
Buying clothes

So, I am trying to get all my girl clothes organized and figure out what I still need.  My DD was a March baby, and she wore newborn clothes mostly for the first month, then was in 0-3 for a while.  My twin girls are due in June, but I still realize they probably will take a while to get to 0-3.  Even if you have your twins in the 35-37 week range (or after, though my OB likes twins out by 38), do they always wear preemie sizes for at least some time?  How much preemie stuff should I buy vs. newborn or 0-3?  I know that everyone's situation is different, but any advice is appreciated!  For reference, DD was born at 39w2d and DS was born at 38w5d and they were 7.6 and 7.10 respectively. So my babies have never been big :-).
DD- Born 03/09/2010
DS- Born 01/21/2012
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Re: Buying clothes

  • My boys were born at 34w 3 d and weighed 5lb 3ozs and 5lb 4ozs.  They might have wore some preemie things in the NICU (17days) but when I brought them home they wore newborn clothes.  So honestly I wouldn't buy any preemie things.
  • edited January 2014
    My boys were 34 weekers and are now 10 weeks old one is still in preemie and the other as of three days ago is in newborn. They were born at 4 and 5 pounds both lost a pound and a half in the NICU and are now 6 pounds 5 oz and 8 pounds exact. An 19 inches long and 19 1/2 inches. I didn't buy any preemie stuff but when I found they needed it then I went and bought a bunch for them. Now I'm buying a ton of newborn because my first never even fit in that and was right in 0-3 lol... He was 7 pounds 12 oz and 21 inches at birth but never lost he only ever gained so within a week and a half was over 8 pounds

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  • DS1 was born at 37w5d he weighed 7lb 1oz and was 21" long.  He wore preemie for 2w and NB for 4w before moving to 0-3m.

    My twins were born at 38w.  A weighed 6lb and was 19.5" long. B was 5lb 5oz and 18" long.  They wore preemie for 4w and then NB for 4w.  Preemie and even NB clothes aren't necessary, but I tried to buy them 2nd hand (as I do/did most of their clothes) so it wasn't that much money to have something that fit them well.

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  • Ditto PPs, my girls were in newborn sizes by the time they came home from the NICU (both weighing between 6 and 7 lbs). Don't recall exactly how long we were in NB vs. 0-3m, but we used both simultaneously for a while, to be honest.
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  • My girls were born at 38 weeks 1 day weighing 5 1/2 lbs each.  We never got preemie clothes.  The newborns and 0-3 months were definately big on them the first few weeks but we just made them work.  It was August so it was hot and they were just dressed in a onsie and a blanket.  I did go out and get some Gerber newborn onsies and Carter's precious firsts newborns from Target.  They fit them pretty well.  They seem to run smaller than most of the other newborn items we had.

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  • I picked up a few premie things at a consignment shop- I got about 5 onesies for $6. That way I have some things if they are really small when its time to come home. If newborn stuff is really big i will worry about it then... Maybe order some plain onesies or something from Amazon (2 day shipping!) I wouldn't worry about stocking up too much because most babies don't need premie stuff for long, especially while they are at home. 
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  • Thank you all!  I did not even consider the fact that the NICU provides them with things to wear if they are there.  I will stick to NB and 0-3!
    DD- Born 03/09/2010
    DS- Born 01/21/2012
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  • I wouldn't worry, and you can buy a few things if needed when the time comes. DD was born at 6 lbs 6 ounces (though I think that is a bit inflated due to all the fluids I got) at 40w3d. She dropped down to about 5 lbs 10 ounces or so  - NB stuff was a bit baggy on her, but totally fine and she was in them for about 4 weeks. I assume the boys will be smaller since they'll be out at 38w max and there are 2 of them and DD was on the smaller side, but I'll send my mom or a friend to pick up a few things at carters or target if I need. I'm not buying preemie stuff ahead of time. 
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  • I was just telling my sister that we wouldn't need premie clothes no matter what: If they are really early, they'll most likely fit into NB by the time they come home, and we got some premie clothes in a hand me down care package.
  • My girls were born at 40w0d but only weighing 6lbs 13 oz and 6lbs 9oz so not big by any means.  They wore preemie outfits home from the hospital and then that was it.  Straight to NB which they wore for about 6 weeks.


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  • I'm waiting to buy any clothes.  My DD1 was born at 36 weeks and weighed 6lbs 1oz at birth (by discharge, 5lbs 8oz).  We had no preemie clothes on hand, but my parents went out and got a preemie going-home outfit.  We picked up a few more preemie clothes once she was home, too.  If these two need preemie stuff, I'll just go the same route!
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  • My boys were born at 38w1d and weighed 6lb 3 oz and 6 lb 6 oz. No premie clothes here! I want to say they wore newborn for a week or two and then went straight to 0-3months. They were August babies and by Christmas I had people buying them 9 month clothes because the 6 months weren't going to fit much longer. They were wearing 18 months at their first birthday and now wear 24 months/2T at 17 months old. They are big boys!
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  • My twins were just over 5 lbs and were in preemie for close to a month, and I still had to cuff the arms/legs. I bought a few preemie outfits, but had I made it past 36 weeks I would have returned them (I delivered right at 36 weeks). My mom ran out to buy a few more after they were born. Newborn would have been huge on them!
  • Yep mine were 37wks and wore preemie clothes for the first 5 days, that's it. All of my babies were on the average/small side (6.14, 6.9, 6.1) but at least 19" long so preemie clothing didn't fit too well lengthwise even when my boys lost a bunch of weight after birth. 

    I just bought four preemie PJs at my local consignment store as a "just in case" thing for less than $2 per set. I'm glad I didn't buy more. My sister bought us a week's worth of preemie clothes from Gymboree but I left the tags on so she ended up returning them. 
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  • Snugly AelSnugly Ael member
    edited January 2014
    It'll be good to buy some second hand preemie clothes and some newborn clothes. My b/g twins were born at 38w2d and weighed 5lbs 13oz and 5lbs 9 oz. I didn't buy preemie clothes, but some of the new born clothes were kinda fitting. It all depends on what brand of clothes a baby wears. There were some newborn clothes that seemed to fit perfectly, while some were pretty loose. Try the store named ONCE UPON A CHILD, if it's in the city you live in. They sell very good stuffs. Most of them are second hand and in perfect condition. All the best!
  • My twins were born at 37w2d weighing 7lbs 12 oz and 6lbs 5 oz and neither one ever wore preemie sized clothing. They wore the 'Up to 7lbs' size at Gymboree (I guess you could consider it their version of newborn) and newborn size in Carter's. They were in that for at least a month and then we started mixing in some of the 0-3 month size.
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