I see, at least they have a great friend to talk to if they need to!
I was going to wait to share some pictures on HDBD to show off his haircut, but this picture is too funny. One of his eyes went cross eyed to focus on the camera. Also, how he got the mac n cheese on his forehead, I don't even know.
Oh and yes, the 2T footed pj's do that with Connor, but only the left side. No matter which one it is, the left side is always like that lol.. She is so cute climbing and being brave!
Cute story: James is starting to get into superheroes/getting the bad guys type play. Between that and the fact that daddy is a Marine, we have been having lots of conversations lately surrounding that type of play. He was telling me about how Marines fly around the world and help people, and that they "boom" (we hear lots of artillery practice around here so he knows that the booming sounds are the Marines practicing) so I asked him what he thought the booming was, and he told me they were orange and yellow rockets that they shoot at bad guys,aliens, and rocket ships into outer space. Yes, son. That's exactly right.
@knitfaced and @CoffeeMonster19 stories reminded me of a funny DS story. His version of Baa baa blacksheep is as follows: Baa baa black sheep, any wool? Yes sir, three bags full One for the monster (he's really into monsters. Cool. Makes sense.) One for Daley (that's sweet. He loves his sister) And one for the scary boy that lives down at the lake (WTF??)
Phee has figured out how to pick her nose. She then, obviously puts her fingers in to her mouth. My 10 yr old (boy) thinks it is the funniest thing ever. He laughs so hard and then Phee collapses in a fit of giggles. She now shoves her finger into her nose the instant she sees him.
This has been going on for about a week and there is no end in sight.
If somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.-Douglas Adams
Brayden is starting this new thing where he gives people the stink eye right on Que.. Guess I need to watch the faces I make@clandestinex love tank's haircut!!
I love all of these! Ava is still having trouble pooping on the potty. She sits there and says "poo poo, are you here? Are you hiding poo poo? Poo poo, come out of there". But her pep talks usually don't work.
If this picture doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will! Yesterday we were at BIL's for our nephew's baptism. I played a couple songs from Frozen on YouTube for my 3 year old nephew. Well he loved it, but so did Leif! I turned him in my arms to talk to someone, and he fought to get his view of the computer back. I think there's some kind of subliminal messages in Disney songs...
I teach 1st grade. Last week, One of my students didn't have their homework so I said "oh no! What happened?" She said "daddy and mommy were having private time on the couch and I had to stay upstairs. Daddy puts kisses all over mommy's body. It's disgusting." My mouth literally dropped. I can't make this stuff up. X_X
I love these pictures, so much personality in these babies lately! I have endless stories about James, the stuff he says kills me daily. @ChicagoBroad26, I feel you on potty thing. It took James forever to stop pooping in his underwear. Now he runs out of the bathroom yelling "daddy! I just pooped SO MUCH!" lol.
HA! That's encouraging. The one time she did, she got scared and was like, "What's that? Get off the potty!!!".
Re: Share something funny
Baa baa black sheep, any wool?
Yes sir, three bags full
One for the monster (he's really into monsters. Cool. Makes sense.)
One for Daley (that's sweet. He loves his sister)
And one for the scary boy that lives down at the lake (WTF??)
This has been going on for about a week and there is no end in sight.
Yesterday we were at BIL's for our nephew's baptism. I played a couple songs from Frozen on YouTube for my 3 year old nephew. Well he loved it, but so did Leif! I turned him in my arms to talk to someone, and he fought to get his view of the computer back. I think there's some kind of subliminal messages in Disney songs...