
PR: double stroller

So the inlaws have offered to buy us a double stroller as a gift! Hooray! I'm not sure what will work best for us. We primarily use the stroller in malls, zoos, walks around the neighborhood, etc. I'm looking for something not terribly bulky. DS1 will be 20 months when DS2 is born, so he'll still be of stroller age for awhile.
Any suggestions? They haven't mentioned a budget, but I would think maybe a few hundred would be reasonable.



can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:

Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014

Formerly Twilightmv

Re: PR: double stroller

  • We planned on getting the City Mini GT double. I looked at the regular mini, the select, BOB, ect and this one was my favorite. We ended up waiting to get it and it turns out Cade hates strollers. So we're waiting until there is a need, which there probably isn't for us since he prefers to be worn.
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  • I love my city mini. Super smooth ride and a nice high handle bar.

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