We are probably naming our son Luke. We have no progress on a middle name. Our last name starts with an H, and is two syllables.
MNs we have toyed with: Henry, James, Edward. I sort of feel like with a short first name, MN should probably be two syllables.
However, I kind of what something a little different. I was originally lobbying for a non-traditional first name (ie Sawyer, Declan, Tucker). Luke is very classic/biblical, so would love to get something just a little different in there.
DH suggested Hunter, and we both loved it, but we realized if you say Luke Hunter very fast without enunciating, it almost sounds like the word "c*nt" is part of the name. Call us crazy, but we didn't want to risk it.
Any ideas?
Re: Middle Name for Luke?
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14
Luke Everett
Luke Harrison
Luke Russell
Luke Miles