Cloth Diapering

Daycare question

My husband and I are expecting our first and hoping to do cloth diapering.  We both work, and after maternity leave, the baby will be attending my work daycare.  I know there are no babies currently there that cloth diaper, and I'm too early to want to ask questions about it at work and let everyone know I'm pregnant.  Just wondering about daycare centers and cloth diapering... if it's possible? vary by state?   Does anyone cloth diaper primarily but buy disposables for daycare?  Is it worth it cost wise?   I know ultimately, I will have to talk with daycare, but right now, I've been watching the youtube videos and looking at websites and I'm just excited!  Wondering what others do.

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Re: Daycare question

  • Our daycare uses them. I was all worried about it but then when I asked it was no big deal.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yep as PPs have said it will vary by state and even by DCP.  It is not illegal in my state.  I interviewed somewhere around 6 DCs while pregnant.  About 1/2 of them outright said no or said it was illegal.  Two of them said they'd have to see the diapers and do a sort of trial period before they'd agree. One said sure right away.  

    The DC we picked was one that required a trial period.  We sent in an AIO, a pocket and an AI2 the first 1/2 day he was there.  They said they would be willing to use any of the three, but wanted a Dr.'s note just to show the state health dept. if they got any guff.  I obliged because DS2 really does have a sposie sensitivity and it was NBD to ask my Dr. for a note.  Otherwise I might have "fought" them on it by doing my research and printing off what I could find about the law. 

    We send mostly aplix pockets and AI2s that we use as one use diapers.  I send a wet/dry bag with 5 clean diapers every morning and bring the wetbag home every night.  They use disposable wipes that I provide.  I think they would use cloth wipes if I asked, but I don't want to have to worry about them losing them.  They already loose socks, sippy cups and spare clothes on a regular basis. 
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  • We send disposable wipes, too. I felt like cloth wipes was a lot to ask.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was concerned my DC wouldn't use them. None of the other babies are in cloth. I took a diaper in one morning to show them and ask if they would be willing to try them. The director didn't even look at the diaper, she immediately said "sure, no problem".  I use a church DC and apparently one of the church mom's uses CD's so the director was familiar with modern CD's. I send pockets and AIO's, snaps and aplix.
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  • Our daycare is fine with us using cloth. Matter of fact, we toured four different daycares and they all were on board. Our center only asked that we keep it simple, so pockets, that we provide them with a wet bag and that we take them home every night (which wasn't an issue). All the teachers think they are the cutest things, we've had a few ask questions, but never in a bad way, they were just curious.
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  • It's been hit or miss for us. It seems like the larger chains all say no due to company policy. The smaller family owned or in home places have said yes. We send snap AIOs, and the DC provides disposable wipes.
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  • The daycare we used did cloth, it wasn't a big deal even though we were the only ones using cloth. But there were mistakes and user error since it was something different. So be prepared for that. Hopefully all can be worked out though!!
  • We've used cloth at daycare in 2 states, no problems (including cloth wipes - no one cares).  Research your state daycare policies before you talk to them about it - the daycare we are at now was fine with the diapers, but told me I needed to buy an extra diaper pail and more pail liners (instead of using wet bags).  I knew that wasn't true and I told them it wasn't in the state policy - they looked and were just like "oh we were wrong, the wet bags are fine!"  I didn't want to spend extra money when I didn't have to - daycare is expensive enough in itself!
  • We have to use disposables at daycare.  It's a licensing issue for our provider (it's on a military base and they have their own local rules) .  I hate the idea of DS sitting in all those chemicals but it honestly does make our life easier during the week.  We have long commutes and it's had to keep up with his regular laundry, let alone diapers, during the week because we have a small house and can't wash while he's sleeping (it wakes him up).  If you can find someone who will do cloth it shouldn't be any harder than disposables.  Just take them in the morning with a large wet bag (like a rumparooz or large planet wise) and then they can throw them in the wet bag throughout the day.  You'll probably need to use disposable wipes, though.
  • It was no problem with our first daycare and we even used prefolds/covers. New daycare was tougher. We had to tell them he was allergic to disposables. It isn't prohibited in any state, but that didn't mean a center can't choose not to allow it. There is a CD site somewhere that broke down every state's policy. Try googling. Good luck!
  • Our DC was fine with it. Our DD is the only one using cloth. We sent AIO or pockets only and use disp wipes. We send a wet bag for the dirty dipes. So far it has been just fine.
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  • I think it's good advice to take one to show them. A lot of people picture folding and pins when they hear cloth diapers. Mine had no problem from the start. My SIL is looking at daycares right now and found a major chain one willing to do it. The company generally doesn't but the director CDs herself so she allows it.
  • When I had ds in dc, the girls in the infant room were excited that he was in prefolds and covers...partially because they learned how to do them while the ones in the other rooms didn't know.

    I also sent in a few sposies, just in case he went through more diapers than normal and for them to put on him during art projects so they could strip him to just a sposie and not have to worry about staining something with the paint.

    I found the dc ds attended through referral from a local CD store.

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
  • Thanks for all your help.  It's encouraging and hopefully DC will be open to it as well.
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