All of you are wonderful. Thanks so much for your prayers and support.
DH and I have patched things, we're in a better place, he's been taking me out of stress situations to calm and then re-enter, and hasn't been agitating me purposefully. I have been taking his advice to remove myself when prompted. We still get and feel the stress when Josephine won't sleep well, but we're communicating better instead of shouting and blaming. Two bonuses.
Also, your thoughts and prayers for my daddy to get a job... He is starting Monday at the car dealership he was the GM of and left to start his own. He'll be a salesman. He's been told the owner (not the same owner as when he worked there) is looking to purchase a Ford dealer. Dad is hoping he will be able to apply for the GM or Sales manager position. He's excited and nervous all at the same time.
Oh... and when we do bath, snuggle, book, Leap pad, leave as Josephine's bed time routine... she only wakes once and she's getting better about falling asleep quickly rather than up and down for the first 45 minutes.
So, things are looking up... Thank you all again!
Re: Thanks J13
D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
L: 7/12/13
C: 5/11/15
E: 3/7/17
Due 11/10/18