Baby Names

Chloe vs. Clothilde with nn of Chloe

carolynhuntcarolynhunt member
edited January 2014 in Baby Names
DH and I had decided on the name Chloe if we have a girl (we're team green)... watched a French movie last night with the name Clothilde in the credits. Do you think it's better to keep it Chloe for the full first name, or to have a Clothilde who everyone calls Chloe? As someone who's never really had a nickname, I'm not sure of the full impact of the decision... thanks for your help!
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Chloe vs. Clothilde with nn of Chloe 172 votes

93% 160 votes
Clothilde with nickname Chloe
5% 10 votes
ss (explain below)
1% 2 votes

Re: Chloe vs. Clothilde with nn of Chloe

  • It's pronounced like cloh-TILD

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  • I always thought it was Clo-TEEL. I like it but I think you'll end up with more spelling/pronunciation problems that are unnecessary if you're just going to call her Chloe anyway.

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  • I believe the two are entirely different names so I don't see how Clothilde can generate Chloe; correct me if I'm wrong! I would stick with Chloe. FWIW, I pronounce Clothilde Clo-thil-deh.
  • I have a Chloe, so I'm bias =]. As long as someone doesn't spell it Khloe or Kloe or Cloe. Gross.

    Also, I pronounced it Clo-Theeld incorrectly.

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  • Chole all the way. I can't seem to even wrap my head around Clothilde it makes me think of some chemical used for cleaning.
    lol this.  I just don't like it, at all.
    I LOVE Chloe.
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • Thanks ladies for all your comments! I was tempted -- especially fwiw we are expats living in Belgium so have some connection to the French type names -- but I agree with the crowd.
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  • Definitely Chloe.
  • Oh, I meant that I wouldn't shorten it to Chloe but I do love Clothilde as well!
  • bromios said:
    ==N== said:
    I always thought it was Clo-TEEL. I like it but I think you'll end up with more spelling/pronunciation problems that are unnecessary if you're just going to call her Chloe anyway.
    The d at the end is a little more subtle, but it's definitely there.

    We had a French exchange student named Clothilde and she pronounced in Clo-Teel. She was from Marseille, so maybe there are different ways to say it. But, she corrected us when we said her named with the D.

    Any way, I love Clothilde.


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  • emmy236 said:

    On the fence on this one. I like Chloe and in theory I like Clothilde but it doesn't look pretty for some reason. If you're of French/Beligian decent than I like it. If you're not than I'd totally side eye it thinking you're trying too hard and stuck your baby with a name she'll have to constantly explain to people as "well my parents liked Chloe but then they watched a French movie and I got stuck with yeah call me Chloe"

    This exactly
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  • That is possibly one of the worst names I have heard yet. Stick with Chloe!
  • I love the sound of Clothilde, but don't like the way it looks, in that it begins with "clot."  I like Chloe much better.

  • I pronounced it Clo-til-de, and I really dislike it. I imagine little Chloe being embarrassed by her longer name whenthe teacher calls on her on the 1st day of school.
    I love Chloe, as is. I begged dh to use Chloe Noelle as dd name, but he had his heart set on Charlotte.
  • If you want her to be called Chloe, just name her Chloe. I do like Clothilde, but I think it will just be a burden and complication if you won't be using it regularly and don't have a good reason to use it. Chloe can stand on its own.
  • Definitely Chloe.
  • Looks like the name of a laundry detergent or something. No one will EVER know how to pronounce this. I'd stick with Chloe.
  • I prefer Chloe
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