I talked to my OB over the phone today about my day 3 blood tests and my HSG results, everything came back normal!
When I asked her "now what? she said to come in for a consultation and that she wants to put me on Clomid. I asked her if she would be monitoring me while I was taking it and she said, "Er... well we take your progesterone levels, only one Dr. here actually uses ultrasound during Clomid" I said ok and asked her how long she wanted to put me on Clomid and she said well about 3 months, however some Dr.'s here keep patients on it for as long as six months. I don't really know what to think about her answers.
If you are on Clomid what steps does your doctor take to monitor you, how long are you going to be or have you been on Clomid, and what is your opinion on Clomid vs Femara? I am thinking I am going to say thank you but no thank you and see if I can get a referral to an RE. I'm not sure, I don't want to cut this off at the knees if I don't have to if the monitoring she is going to do will be enough...
Any help would be great! Thanks!
TTC Since October 2012. I’m 27 and DH is 30
DH: 4 SAs, all came back normal, blood testing 6/13-9/13 all normal
Me: 03/13 irregular cycles, hypothyroidism diagnosis
3/13 full blood panel showed normal results except thyroid
5/13 regulated hypothyroidism, regular cycles again
6/13 day 21-24 blood testing came back normal
6/13-9/13 DH testing with Urologist- normal
11/13 ultrasounds and full hormonal blood panel were normal
12/13 OB consult, day 3 blood tests and HSG ordered
01/14 HSG results normal, day 3 blood tests are normal
Just hoping that AF will back off and give me a chance to take a pregnancy test! All are Welcome!!
Re: Clomid and monitoring?
Team Purple!!!!
Ok great! that is all that I needed to hear. I thought that it seemed like a waste of time and just something to take up time to say they were doing anything. I really don't want to waste time taking medications, as I am not a big fan of them anyway, and clomid is scary to me especially when it is not monitored... at all!
Looks like I will be getting a referral to an RE! thank you so much ladies this is a big help. I thought I might just be overreacting.
TTC Since October 2012. I’m 27 and DH is 30
DH: 4 SAs, all came back normal, blood testing 6/13-9/13 all normal
Me: 03/13 irregular cycles, hypothyroidism diagnosis
3/13 full blood panel showed normal results except thyroid
5/13 regulated hypothyroidism, regular cycles again
6/13 day 21-24 blood testing came back normal
6/13-9/13 DH testing with Urologist- normal
11/13 ultrasounds and full hormonal blood panel were normal
12/13 OB consult, day 3 blood tests and HSG ordered
01/14 HSG results normal, day 3 blood tests are normal
Just hoping that AF will back off and give me a chance to take a pregnancy test! All are Welcome!!
To the bolded comment - there is ABSOLUTELY a need to do an ultrasound on Clomid. You could, for example, wind up with a cyst, at risk for HOMs, thinned lining. Just to name a few things. I was on a very low dose and wound up with a pretty sizeable cyst and it would have gone undetected without proper monitoring. Please educate yourself before you spew nonsense like that.
Oh and the bloodwork should be done 7dpo, not on CD21, unless CD21 happens to be 7dpo. but you won't know that unless you're being monitored properly.
DH (29) & Me (26) - Married 9/22/2012
TTC since 9/2012
Dx - Annovulatory; PCOS-IR
8/2013 - First consult with RE
9/2013 - HSG, SHG both clear; SA normal
Oct 2013 - Jan 2014 - Clomid + Trigger + IUI #1-3 = BFN's
Feb 2014 - Femara + Trigger + IUI #4 = BFP!!!!!
Beta #1 - 3/2/14 (15dpo) - 123
Beta #2 - 3/4/14 (17dpo) - 378
1st ultrasound - 3/21/14 - 1 little ninja, heartbeat - 120bpm
Due November 7, 2014
**ALL** Welcome
I think the correct advice has been given. Run, do not walk, away from any medical professional that recommends that you take Clomid unmonitored by both bloodwork AND ultrasound.
I second the thought of not playing russian roulette with your fertility.
**Loss Mentioned
Me: 25, DH: 28
TTC about 3 years
DX: Anovulation
Completed 5 rounds of clomid with OBGYN. 2nd round ended in mc at 5.5 weeks
First RE Apt. 1/21/14
Started First Gonal F/Ovidrel/IUI cycle 4/24/14
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
HSG- showed graying in one spot/Saline Sono- showed 5mm polyp
DH SA - abnormal - 36%motility on both SA's (count and morph ok on SA1, a little off SA2)
1/10/14 - Hysteroscopy to remove 5mm polyp
1/12/14- Medicated Cycle 1: 50mg Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFN
2/15/14 - Medicated Cycle 2: 100mg Clomid + Ovidrel + TI = BFN
3/18/14 - IUI Cycle 1: 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
Upped Levothyroxine to 50mg - tested at 2.62
4/17/14 - IUI Cycle 2: 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
6/21/14: IUI Cycle 3: 150mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI
*All are welcome*
**Loss Mentioned
Me: 25, DH: 28
TTC about 3 years
DX: Anovulation
Completed 5 rounds of clomid with OBGYN. 2nd round ended in mc at 5.5 weeks
First RE Apt. 1/21/14
Started First Gonal F/Ovidrel/IUI cycle 4/24/14
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!