November 2011 Moms

LOs: funny things and current obsessions?

Funny:  So for the last couple days, DD has been "making mischief" we'll say (knocking over the clothes hamper, knocking her cup to the floor) and then blaming imaginary characters for it!  Like, she'll knock her cup over (right in front of us) and say something like "Uh oh!  Frosty (the snowman) knocked cup over!"  She also likes to blame Daniel Tiger.  I have no idea what started this.  I know things like that are normal for a kid to do (I've read enough Family Circus cartoons - lol), but for her to be doing it at 2?!?!  

Obsessed:  DD is obsessed with the alphabet and "super letters" (thanks, Super Why).  DH and I receive multiple requests a day to draw the alphabet.  Everywhere we go, she's looking for "super letters" and she's getting better at actually identifying most of them.  (At least upper case letters....lower case letters throw her off.)
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Re: LOs: funny things and current obsessions?

  • That is awesome! You have one smart cookie on your hands, @Natty13umppo !

    DS is trying to tell the same knock-knock joke.
    Max: Knock-knock.
    Me: Who's there?
    Max: baby
    Me: Baby, who?
    Max: Awwww!

    He has a pretty good memory because this is based on a knock-knock joke DD and I made up months earlier. 
    Who's there?
    Moo, who?
    Aww, why is your cow sad?

    Today took the cake though. DS had some Trix cereal in a snack cup. He found a green one and tried to put it in his nostril. Then got my attention and said "Eww, yuck" (what I say to him when I clean out his nose with a q-tip). 
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  • Ha ha ha!  Red Camaro, I love that your DS is able to understand the back and forth structure of a knock knock joke!  And I love that he has made his own version ....hee hee hee.  And I don't know if this is how he means it or not, but the "Awwww" at the end sounds like "Awwww, isn't it so cute that there's a baby at the door!" (as opposed to "Aw, darn, why is there a baby here?!?!). 
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  • mbgreenwaltmbgreenwalt member
    edited January 2014
    DD2 loves to dance.  She'll be playing and then stop and start dancing while saying "shake my booty, shake my booty". 

    She also loves pirates and will say "arrr matey, coconut". I'm not sure what that means, but it cracks me up.

    She is obsessed with whatever DD1 is playing with and in turn making DD1 angry by taking it...we're having so much fun learning to share lately 
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  • Funny/mischievious: DS purposely knocks things over too and then said "oops or oh man" like it was an accident. He also has to be the center of attention, if DH and I are in a conversation and I don't answer to mommy after the second time he calls my by my first name or my sister's name.

    Current obsession: At my mom's house they have a chin up bar in one of the doorways, and he has to get his 10 chinups when any new person walks into the room. He also has to help prep breakfast every weekend. If I start whisking the eggs wihtout him, he get mad because it's his job.

    11.2011 - DS1

    02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

    06.2014 - DS2

    10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

    03.2017 - DD

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