

Hello, I have been reading the boards as for a few weeks but have not posted as I am still in shock of Twins and trying to gather information.  I love reading all the information you guys put out there.

I had to take the Materni T21 test twice (the fist time they only received 7% of the babies' DNA).  I just received the results back yesterday and am THRILLED that everything came back negative.  They said that there was a Y chromosome present, does that mean that both twins are boys or one is a boy and the other is unknown?  Has anyone else taking this test and ended up with a boy and girl?
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Re: MaterniT21

  • I second Flygirl - just to add in the "why" - the Dr told me they can't separate the DNA. Girls are XX, Boys are XY - so no Y, means girls only. A "Y" just means one boy is present but you'll have to wait until the anatomy scan. CONGRATS ON YOUR BABY BOY!!!! Lets us know how it turns out for the other baby.
    It's a boy and a girl!

  • Currently waiting for my results for the twins! Was told what pp said already as far as the sex :)
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