Wondering if anyone had adopted an older child through the foster care system, and what the experience was like. How long was the wait for a placement? Are there things you'd do differently if you had to go through the process again? I'm at the beginning of the process, and starting to fill out all the paperwork.
Road to motherhood started Jan 2014

Re: Anyone with any experience with an older child adoption?
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
We have been waiting to be matched with an older child for almost 5 years. We have to be fairly picky because we do already have a DS in our home. But, I never in a zillion years thought it would take so long. Our county feels very strongly about putting families back together, so very few children are up for adoption. We have expressed interest on a few from other counties and/or states, but still haven't been matched. I think the amount of time it will take depends on how open you can be with what you can adopt. The more open you are, the less time it will take you.
ttc #2 since 2004 Me (35): Stage 3 Endo, DH (34): High DNA Frag
IVF/ICSI #2: April 2014: BFP!!!!!!
ET of 2 great quality embryos. + BFP on 9dp5dt. Beta #1 (10dp5dt): 257, Beta #2 (14dp5dt): 1561,
Beta #3 (21dp5d5): 8,172. Wow. It seems this is actually working. Shocked beyond belief.
1st u/s @6w5d: Baby A hb 124, Baby B hb 127 (Both measuring perfectly!)
Lost baby A. Praying that baby B stays healthy. Baby B hb 175 at 11 weeks
It's a GIRL!!!
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