2nd Trimester

17 wks..how much should I have gained?

I'm probably freaking out about nothing, but I'm 17 wks and have only gained 3 pounds. Everything I've read online says I should at least be 2 lbs heavier. Have a normal BMI (5'3, weighed 129 now 132), eat healthy and exercise. Should I be worried about harming the baby by not having gained enough yet?

Re: 17 wks..how much should I have gained?

  • What did your doctor say? I'd go with whatever he/she said.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Last saw her at 14 wks and didn't mention anything. I go again at week 19. I'll def ask then.
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  • edited January 2014
    That is a question for your doctor.
  • How much weight gain is different for everyone. Ask your doctor to see what they would prefer for you to gain
  • People gain weight at different times. I had only gained a couple of pounds by 18 weeks and my OB was fine with it. She said the weight would come and sure enough it started to. I'm 23 weeks now and up about 10 pounds. But your doc. Knows you better than we do.
  • At 16 weeks I hadn't gained any weight and wasn't showing at all. my doctor said it was totally fine and not to worry.
  • With DD I was 21 weeks and had only gained 4lbs. My doctor did not bat an eye. By the end I only gained 19. I started off at 150 and I'm 5'9". That's just the way my body worked. This pregnancy I'm up two.

    Like PPs, said, everyone is different and your doctor should give you some better advice. Hope you get the answers you need :)
    IVF #1- BFP- DD 4/8/2011
    FET #1- 3BB and 3B-B
    Beta #1 (4w0d)- 504
    Beta #2 (4w4d)- 4,577
    Beta #3 (6w0d)- 78,399 HB 115 bpm
    U/S #2 7w0d- HB 155 bpm

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • I didn't start gaining weight until 20 weeks, and I lost weight during the first trimester. Weight gain varies greatly, if you're concerned.. Talk to your doctor!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • With my first pregnancy I didn't gain any weight, and actually lost weight throughout it. Around my last month my doctor wanted me to go to the hospital for them to do scan to be sure the baby was putting on weight and she was. It didn't make sense that I was losing weight by DD was continuing to gain weight. But all was well. This time the same thing is happening losing weight again. I guess that's how my body is. *shrugs*
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • i doubt its harming the baby but if you're overdoing it, then it could. i gained around 8 by then and am fit. i am not as lean as you but if this is your first pregnancy, then i wouldn't be surprised if you don't gain much til 25. i was fit and healthy with all my pregnancies and skinny after very quickly. my kids were great sizes too! 
    good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • "Don't compare yourself to your friends or other pregnant women. It's always fun, but every pregnancy is different. You can gain a lot and have a smaller baby, and sometimes you can gain a little and have a pretty good size baby. Your body knows what it's doing, so feed it right!"
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'll be 18 weeks on Monday and I've only gained 1 pound. My doctor isn't worried so neither am I. Just make sure your eating enough and healthy and talk to your doctor if you're worried. :)
  • I didn't gain anything until about 19 weeks....and then it piled on!!! LOL



    DS #1: May 25, 2007

    DS #2: Jan 7, 2009

    DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s

  • lalala8 said:

    Agreed that everyone is different and will gain weight at vastly different paces, but here's a calculator if you'd like some point of reference:

    ETA: During my first pregnancy, I gained just a few lbs in the first 20 weeks, then about 30 more during weeks 21-40.  The weight comes for most of us. You have nothing to worry about. The baby weighs less than half a lb at 17 weeks.
    This calculator was weird for me. I'm 5'9, starting at 140lb and it said that 25lb gain is below average and 35 lb is above average, but those are both right in the average range. I wonder if everyone's results are that narrow of a range?

    I gained 45 lbs with my son and lost 40 of it by 6 weeks PP just beastfeeding and eating healthy foods (no dieting). Try not to stress and tt your doctor like your wonderful PPs have said.
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I still haven't gained weight. Baby is doing great and even measuring a few days ahead of schedule so I'm not worried at all. If your doctor isn't concerned, I wouldn't be.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 60 pounds. Because it would make me feel better about MYself.

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  • I'm almost 19 weeks and have only gained about a pound from my lowest point in pregnancy. I was actually about 2 pounds heavier when I got pregnant, but lost four during first trimester.  All my life I've struggled with my weight, but now when I'm supposed to gain, I'm not. LOL.  Talked to my doc at last appointment and she wasn't worried at all. 
  • I'm 14 weeks and I have only gained 3 lbs.  Don't over stress about it!! If your doctor isn't concerned about it, I wouldn't worry too much!!!
  • Yeah, every pregnancy and every body is different.  Try not to compare.  As long as you're eating fairly well, then there should be no reason for concer, but ask your doc next time you see them.  I, myself, have lost about 8lbs in the first trimester and just now at 17 weeks am I gaining it back...I'm still down 5lbs from my prepregnancy weight though.  My tummy finally poked out though, so I look like I gained a ton in a short time.  Weird as it may be, it's still normal to fluctuate and wonder.

    Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
  • awc1986awc1986 member
    edited January 2014
    I'm a similar size to OP and as of yesterday at 25wks 2d, I have gained 10lbs. Doc was happy with that, so I'm happy with it. I didn't have much vomiting in 1st tri (3 times overall), but I had very little appetite until about 22 weeks. I swear I've put that entire 10lbs on since then! Baby is also measuring small at around 18-20th percentile, so I don't expect her to get enormous.



    09/23/11 - Married DH

    04/01/13 - BFP at 4wks

    05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d

    08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d

    09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!  

    10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!

    12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!

    05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!

  • Wow, now I feel like I've gained a lot.  Although it seems like I'm on target according to the calculator above.  I think at 16 weeks I had gained about 7 lbs.  I also am 5 foot 7, and started at 126 lbs. 

    MississippiCatfish:  the range it gave me was 28 to 40 lbs (28 being below average, 40 above average). 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I remember I posted already on this but update time! 

    I just hit my 19 weeks today and I weighed myself = Gained 10 pounds! I remember complaining and worrying about not gaining any weight the last 3\2 weeks and today I find out I gained 10 pounds out of no where! It's crazy! Hehe! When your body is ready to gain weight, It will happen. It knows exactly what it's doing!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I was told the general rule of thumb was:

    10lbs during the first 18wks
    15lbs during the last 18-22wks

    I've hit 11lbs and I'm 17w5d.



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

  • Thanks ladies. I'm 20 weeks now and have gained 6. Last week at my appointment, baby looked great and the doc didn't bring up my weight so I guess I'm right on track! Good to know. :)
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