I'm getting drunk and feeling sorry for myself because I'm probably going to fail physics.
Have you talked to the instructor about it? A lot of times, if you show a real interest, you can get extra work or at least advice on how to do better in the future.
Has anyone ever noticed that almost all hair salons have puns for names? Or is that just in my area?
Around here there are a lot of references to song titles. They also like to work in the neighborhood or street name if possible. Does make it easier to remember where it is!
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
I can't just drop it because I'm at the minimum hours I can take per semester without losing my financial aid (or having to pay it back which isn't an option). I'm hoping I can work with some people in my class, and yeah, get a tutor. But fuck (heh) I don't got time fo dat shit.
It's the teacher, really. He does not explain shit. And he'll go off for 10 minutes on some tangent and then be like, "but that's not really what we'll be doing in class." WELL FUCK DUDE, I need AT LEAST 10 minutes longer on the shit that you barely explained that we actually DO need to know. Every one at my table said they also don't know what the hell is going on so it's not just me being a shitty student.
I have feelings.
Most of my physics classes allowed a notecard for tests where you could write down the formulas you needed. And in most cases the practice problems assigned were the exact same as the problems on the tests, but with different variables removed/changed.
If you need homework help, me and a couple other people on this board are pretty good with math/science stuff.
Oh, and if possible, go to office hours. If everyone is as lost as you, it will be graded on a curve. It looks awful for a Prof to fail half of his class; it basically admits he failed to teach you anything. Unfortunately, you ultimately are competing against your classmates as much as trying to learn the material. When the time comes for final grade decisions, perceived effort can definitely be the difference between a D and a C.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
I only threw out the love tit because "Lamb??!!??!!??????!!!!!!!!" Cracks me up every time.
And I remember some awful teachers like that. I hope you can find some physics smart friends and a good tutor. Why are the worst professors always attached to the most difficult courses?
Because if the course is easy you don't care if the professor is bad?
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
MOTY here...I'm crabby and husband less tonight. Ev is watching all the TV. Or at the very least one nice, long episode of Sesame Street. Mama needs a break.
Sesame Street is the only kids' show I actually somewhat enjoy. It is totally tolerable to watch from an adult perspective and DS freaking loves it.
@justAphase, if it makes you feel any better, I'm actually impressed that you took physics at all. I have recently discovered that I find science fascinating, but I totally took blow-off classes in college. "Oh...I have to take science credits? Ummmmm...meteorology and geology are open? Weather and rocks? I think I can handle that. Sign me up, registrar lady."
MOTY here...I'm crabby and husband less tonight. Ev is watching all the TV. Or at the very least one nice, long episode of Sesame Street. Mama needs a break.
Sesame Street is the only kids' show I actually somewhat enjoy. It is totally tolerable to watch from an adult perspective and DS freaking loves it.
I really enjoy The Street, except the boring songs that just show various children. Some of the retro animation is charming, a lot of it I could do without. But I actually like Elmo's World/Elmo the Musical quite a bit.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
@justaphase When I was in grad school, physics was required for PhD students (I was only getting my MS, phew!). One of the guys in the program took the class Physics for Poets. I'm not sure exactly what that entailed.
lolwut? Interesting.
Patton Oswalt took Physics for Poets! He talked about it on his Werewolves and Lollipops CD!
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Drinking red wine. Ds has been a monster today and didn't nap. Dh was rear ended on his way home from work. And I had to pay $250 to fix our dryer.
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
@justaphase When I was in grad school, physics was required for PhD students (I was only getting my MS, phew!). One of the guys in the program took the class Physics for Poets. I'm not sure exactly what that entailed.
lolwut? Interesting.
Patton Oswalt took Physics for Poets! He talked about it on his Werewolves and Lollipops CD!
He went to the College of William and Mary, which is not my school. WTF--how is this offered at multiple schools?
I took physics for Life Science majors at my undergrad. It was math intensive but didn't get too bogged down in details that would be less useful for us, especially in the magnetism and electricity sections. Lot of time spend on mechanics, which are actually pretty meaningful in biophysics. But I also took Physical Chemistry, which had a physics component to it.
I TA'ed Biochemistry for non-science majors while I was in grad school. My biggest complaint about it is it reduced the topic to memorization rather than any real deep thinking about the subject, since we didn't require any math beyond basic algebra.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
@thisisbrea my night will get better bc Dh rented me Downton Abbey! Yuuuusssss. And Dh is doing both kid's baths while I bump from bed. I'm spoiled some days. Thanks girlie!
It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid
Yeah. I'm always disappointed that they won't just do a regular freaking sundae. That's the only good reason to go out out to ice cream. Ain't nobody got time for all those toppings.
I am so glad DD is doing well in calc I. I am so rusty. It's all vaguely familiar, but then my brains hits a wall. If she needs help for her calc-physics block next year, it's all on DH.
I've never taken anything higher than algebra. I hope I can get out of school with just a liberal arts math. I might have to take stats though. GDI.
Hello all! LO has a cold so I've been creepy lurking but not posting. LO is still up but hopefully going to bed soon. Stupid germs.
Harry Styles = Life Ruiner
There’s a lightningin your eyes I can't deny Then there’s me inside a sinkingboat running out of time Without you I'll never make it out alive But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
What would be the natural segway between school talk and a threesome?
I imagine being squished next to each other on a bed looking at a book while starting to drink might have something to do with it. I'm just guessing here.
Re: Is it too early...
If you need homework help, me and a couple other people on this board are pretty good with math/science stuff.
Oh, and if possible, go to office hours. If everyone is as lost as you, it will be graded on a curve. It looks awful for a Prof to fail half of his class; it basically admits he failed to teach you anything. Unfortunately, you ultimately are competing against your classmates as much as trying to learn the material. When the time comes for final grade decisions, perceived effort can definitely be the difference between a D and a C.
I took physics for Life Science majors at my undergrad. It was math intensive but didn't get too bogged down in details that would be less useful for us, especially in the magnetism and electricity sections. Lot of time spend on mechanics, which are actually pretty meaningful in biophysics. But I also took Physical Chemistry, which had a physics component to it.
I TA'ed Biochemistry for non-science majors while I was in grad school. My biggest complaint about it is it reduced the topic to memorization rather than any real deep thinking about the subject, since we didn't require any math beyond basic algebra.
Hello all! LO has a cold so I've been creepy lurking but not posting. LO is still up but hopefully going to bed soon. Stupid germs.
Harry Styles = Life Ruiner
There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
Without you I'll never make it out alive
But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing