Special Needs

Legal / Financial Questions

I have an NT 8.5 month old DS and then almost 3 year old DD who has developmental delays and ASD.  Having DS at home has quickly made me realize how much DD is delayed, and although I knew this, I am coming to the realization that we may need to start planning now for her future.

Where do we start to get a trust started for her?  Can you deposit money into them on a regular basis?  Also, we don't have a will, do we start with that by getting a lawyer?  Money is tight, so I am trying to figure out how to get all this accomplished on a tight budget.

Thanks in Advance!

Re: Legal / Financial Questions

  • We went to an attorney to get our wills, medical power of attorney, etc. all drawn up at once. We did not do a special needs trust at the time; I don't think we actually had a dx yet. 

    One thing to think about is the amount of life insurance you and/or your DH have, and to update that and/or get it if you haven't and account for it in your will. With a child with SN, I think a significant amount of life insurance is even more important for their care and/or therapies if one or both parents were to die. 

    DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
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