September 2014 Moms

5 weeks and needing my maternity pants?! Seriously!

I'm at work, wearing my regular work pants and they are SO uncomfortable. Thinking of breaking out the good old maternity pants....Never thought I'd need it this quick!!! Anyone else?

Re: 5 weeks and needing my maternity pants?! Seriously!

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    I just get bloated in the evening, but nothing I can't button my pants over.  I think it's a little early for maternity clothing... but whatever makes you comfortable!
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    moose0512 said:
    I used the elastic band trick right now until my bellaband comes in this week. The bloat is insane

    My work pants don't allow me to do the elastic thing -- I do it with my jeans though! Lifesaver! I looked for mine but couldn't find it I'll have to look tonight again though!
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    I'm bloated. I think my body still thinks it's pregnant from last time. Confession...I haven't actually put on real pants all week. Yoga pants is were it's at.

    Lol I regretfully had to change out of mine this morning after my dentist appointment to come into work... :(
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    I am crazy bloated too, already putting the belly band to use
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    If your work pants have that bar and hook thingy going on, I saw online you can put a safety pin at each end of your rubber band to secure them instead of looping it around a button. I probably didn't describe that well enough but I am sure some Googling could easily find a better description.

    The bloating is killing me too though, my one coworker who knows joked with me this morning if I was "growing something in there" because my bloat belly was sticking out.
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    I'm ridiculously bloated, too!  I don't remember it being this bad this early last time.  It's like I swelled up a couple of days before my BFP and it never went away. 

    I usually wear dresses to work, but now I'm having trouble picking out the ones that aren't too form-fitting and don't make my bloat too obvious.  I swear a couple of women in my office have given my tummy double-takes this past week. 

    The Spanx tights are going away soon, though.  I might get maternity tights sooner rather than later. 

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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    Yeah my bloat is horrible this time around.  I've been doing the old "hair tie through the button hole" trick for now.
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    The bloat is out of control. Last time, I only got like this in the afternoon; now it's all friggin day. 

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    I am with you! I work from home so I am normally in pj/yoga pants. I had to go to my school today to grab spring semester books - had to break out the maternity pants b/c I did not feel like fighting with the Spanx today ;)

    DD 10/15/2011
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    I too feel bloated. Wore a dress today so I wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable in tight waistbands.
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    I gained a bunch of weight since having my DD, so I have to confess I've been wearing maternity pants for months.  Like, before I was even pregnant again.   :|  Now I'm trying to convince myself that it's justified.
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    Yeah.. I totally wore my maternity shorts on vacation last week- they were just more comfortable. :)
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    I think maternity tights will be my first purchase too.  I wear a lot of tights at work in the winter and that waistband is killing me!
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    @Reverey I'm down 2 pounds as well (goodbye wine!) and my pants are so uncomfortable!

    This is my first pregnancy and I'm not ready for maternity pants! 
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    mapchick77 I will have to check this out because I'm so visual and couldn't see exactly what you meant but that's the type of pants I had and they were awfully uncomfortable!
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    I'm running out of things to wear! I can't wait until its a big belly so it's obvious I'm not just gaining weight. I'll regret this comment in a few months.
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    I'm bloated. I think my body still thinks it's pregnant from last time. Confession...I haven't actually put on real pants all week. Yoga pants is were it's at.

    Yoga pants all the way!!! My jeans are just so uncomfortable already and I am too hot to wear them and it's January!! You're not alone. This is 2nd pregnancy for me and I feel like I'm going to be huge this time!!
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    Im wearing stretchy pants and sundresses (been in the 70s in So Cal). Im bloated and my dr said our uterus will double in size between the time of implantation and 9 weeks. Wonder if as a STM you ladies are a step ahead in some of the internal stretching.

    That's interesting. I am almost at my 9 week mark, i am a STM too. Maybe that's my problem! (And not that I had 4 tacos and an ice cream Sunday for dinner). Thanks for making me feel better!!!!
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    Im wearing stretchy pants and sundresses (been in the 70s in So Cal). Im bloated and my dr said our uterus will double in size between the time of implantation and 9 weeks. Wonder if as a STM you ladies are a step ahead in some of the internal stretching.

    You make me sad as I'm up in the Chicago area bundled with 10 degree windchill. Haha
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    I am sooooo bloated too! I loathe my work pants as of today. My maternity work pants are pretty big so I want to wait on those a bit, but I am definitely ditching the belt (normally dress code, but I can ditch it while pregnant) and keeping the button unbuttoned!
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    Hey, the early pregnancy bloat is nothing to scoff at :) If you need to break out the maternity pants, then do it!!

    With my DD I found I got a break from the bloat around 10 weeks and was comfortable in normal pants again until about 16 weeks, then I was full on maternity pants!


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    It sounds like all of us have joined the bloat club. I swear last week I had a flattish stomach. Now I swear I look like I'm 5 months along!

    I have no shame. It's yoga and maternity clothes from here on out. There is no need to be uncomfortable in clothing when so much about pregnancy already is
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    Right now it's just my hands and fingers that are bloated - but I've gained weight over the last few months so that contributes too!  They're bloated in the am until I get a few waters in.  Right now I have my wedding ring on my pinkie finger since I was too lazy to get it resized when I knew I needed to.  
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    I'm down a few pounds since the last time I braved the scale at Christmas (about 5, whoo-hoo!), but some of my clothes just don't seem to be fitting right... so it's gotta be bloat. But I hear the PP on maternity tights - I live in those for work; and I might just have to invest in a BB to get through the first few weeks of a new job (and therefore, pulling out clothes I haven't worn as much) before I got into maternity stuff.

    Also... where can I find maternity pants in long lengths? I'm 5'11" with a 34" inseam!
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    I have accepted the bloat and since I work evenings 3:30 to 11:30 pm I have been in maternity pants for a week or two.  The bloat by the end of the night is crazy 

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    I can't wear anything other than yoga pants, but I don't mind, I love yoga pants. 
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    @LtMama, @EscoMama, @deviousmuse I am totally with y'all on the need for maternity tights!!! I don't think I've really gained any weight, but last night when we were out for our anniversary dinner, I noticed my tights cutting into my stomach. I told my husband that maternity tights will be my first purchase! 

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    @shutaff, I'm getting some today!  I normally wear Spanx tights anyway, and now I feel like they're trying to kill me.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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    @LTMama, let me know what brand you get and if you like them!
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    @shutaff, I will!  I was looking on Amazon and they had some Assets maternity tights (it's the Spanx spinoff), which is cool.  Their quality is great overall.  But they didn't have prime shipping on those and I'm impatient, so I'm going to check out Target today.

    Last time around I did tights from Motherhood Maternity, and they were ok, but by the end they were kind of ick.  I like thicker tights, though.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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    @LTMama, I like thicker tights too. Non-maternity, I go with Express or surprisingly, George brand from Walmart, because they are nice and thick. Thanks for the suggestions so far :)
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    I'm down a few pounds since the last time I braved the scale at Christmas (about 5, whoo-hoo!), but some of my clothes just don't seem to be fitting right... so it's gotta be bloat. But I hear the PP on maternity tights - I live in those for work; and I might just have to invest in a BB to get through the first few weeks of a new job (and therefore, pulling out clothes I haven't worn as much) before I got into maternity stuff.

    Also... where can I find maternity pants in long lengths? I'm 5'11" with a 34" inseam!
    I'm the same height as you are, but I can't remember where I got my maternity pants the first time around...I see that Gap and Old Navy carry maternity pants in long lengths, though. It looks like Motherhood Maternity does, too.
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    I work nights (I'm an RN) and last night the bloat was sadly pretty noticeable. I hope it goes away before long, or I'm in trouble! We will see our family in March, and tell them then. I don't already want to be obviously pregnant when we tell them!

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    I started wearing maternity pants when I was 8 weeks pregnant with DD.  They say you start showing sooner with your second pregnancy, so I imagine that I will be needing them soon. 
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    @shutaff, Target didn't have anything in my size so I didn't end up getting anything.  They had some nice-looking, thick tights, though.  I ordered a pair off of Amazon that should be here tomorrow, so I'll report back.

    @superstealth, I hear you with the bloat!  One of my coworkers gave me a big smile today and started to point at my tummy like she wanted to ask me if I was pregnant, but I pretended not to nice and walked away lol.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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    Thanks! If anyone is looking for leggings too, I went on Motherhood Maternity today and they have them buy 3, get 1 free. They have really good reviews, and they also come in cropped length which is good for summer (or anytime for shorties like me.)

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    Dress Barn tummy control are the most amazing pants ever for work. I just went because I am so bloated and all my pants are uncomfortable. They pull right up without a zipper or button and have give in the waist so they'll probably last me another size up or two. $29.50 - go buy them, best investment ever.
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