DD party is Saturday. 5 kids have not RSVP. Deadline was today. I have to give food order Thursday. I used evite. Two people have not viewed the invite. Would it be ok to put a note in their school mail slot asking them if they can attend. Or should I just drop it. We have 15 people coming. If these five plus parents attend the count would be more like 25. I don't want to be way off for the food. If people don't rsvp do they ever show up? This is frustrating.
Re: RSVP need advice
My friends know I'm terrible and remind me about the evite and ask me if I'm coming or not. I'm very thankful for the reminder.
I think it's totally fine to contact the people that have not RSVP'd yet. Especially if they have not opened the evite, sometimes evite goes into the spam folder.
Derek - February 2013 Caelyn April 2011