Pre-School and Daycare

RSVP need advice

DD party is Saturday. 5 kids have not RSVP. Deadline was today. I have to give food order Thursday. I used evite. Two people have not viewed the invite. Would it be ok to put a note in their school mail slot asking them if they can attend. Or should I just drop it. We have 15 people coming. If these five plus parents attend the count would be more like 25. I don't want to be way off for the food. If people don't rsvp do they ever show up? This is frustrating.

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Re: RSVP need advice

  • I'm bad at evites. I read them all the time but hardly ever respond because something inevitably comes up and then I forget to get back to it. But I remember the event and want to go.

    My friends know I'm terrible and remind me about the evite and ask me if I'm coming or not. I'm very thankful for the reminder.

    I think it's totally fine to contact the people that have not RSVP'd yet. Especially if they have not opened the evite, sometimes evite goes into the spam folder.
    Derek - February 2013        Caelyn April 2011

  • I usually call the non RSVPers and ask if they are able to attend or not.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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  • If you have their phone numbers, call them.  Sometimes people lose track of evites, but honestly it's pretty typical with kid parties for some people not to rsvp.

    Generally, in my experience, a non-RSVP = not coming.  Only occasionally do people fail to RSVP and then show up.
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
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