We frequently go out of town on the weekends to visit family a few hoursaway. O is starting to take in solids more and more so I'm having to spray a dipe every so often. My question is, is what do you all do while your out of town with a dipe that needs a good spray down?
We stay either at an aunts house or my MIL house.
It's possible that my MIL will allow us to hook a sprayer up at her house, but just in case it will be a problem, or there is a different way with out having to buy another sprayer, I'd like you hear.
I'm not a fan of dunk n swoosh, and i really don't want to carry around a poo scraper.
Also, what kind of hook do you guys have that holds your sprayer? We currently are renting a house, so we need something that we don't have you screw into the wall, or peel paint off the wall.
Re: Q: about spray routine
I've used a Peri bottle before when he had bad BF poops and it hardly did anything.
Off to target to get a over the door hook for my sprayer!! Thanks!