

So, we've been tossing things around about BC for a while. I'm getting tired of taking a pill and tired of the hormones. I love the pill I'm on, but I still think even the small dose of hormones are making things go weird for me. I tried Mirena to much failure. We keep debating getting tubes tied or the big V. However, both he and I have that tiny bit that wonders if we're truly done with kids. So, Paragard. Who has it and tell me a bit about it. I do have metal allergies to nickel, but this is copper. So might not be too bad.
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Re: Paragard?

  • I've had mine for 13 months. I love not having to remember a pill & no hormonal side effects. I used to get headaches on the pill. My periods are HORRID without hormonal bcp, sometimes they are 10 days, my cramps are terrible and I hate it!

    After baby #2, I will probably get another Paragard. It makes sense for me and the periods from hell are better than the other options.


    First we had eachother.5.27.11
    Then we had you.6.16.12
    Now we have everything.


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  • Yeah, I heard that your period gets pretty bad on it, but mine are bad regardless off BC. So I'm kind of used to that.
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  • My periods are awful. If you're cool with PMSing for two weeks, spotting for a week and damn near bleeding to death, I say go for it!
  • I loved it. I've had two (one before DD, one put in again after.) The only side effects I had was this summer I was getting brown discharge for like, a week before my period and then getting my period for a week. But I never had that with the first one (or the first year of the second one) so I have no idea why it came on suddenly.

    Other than that, it was great! I recommend it!
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  • My
    Periods were heavy for about 5 or soon this now they're pretty light
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  • Almost bleeding to death = so accurate.

    It's not the greatest thing ever with all the bleeding and some crappy moods around PMS but at least I don't have to remember to take a pill.
    Lucy: October 2012 
  • Maybe my ute just hates me. Although the feeling is mutual.
  • My [adopted] 6 mo old and my partner were both IUD babies, so I'm a fan of them but for different reasons than most.
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  • I have it. LO is a year old and I've only had one PP period due to breast feeding. I don't have any problems so far. My period was a little heavier than normal but it was my first PP so I don't think it's enough for me to judge it by. I was due for a period January 2nd and haven't had one (still BFing) but I've been a little bloated and crampy the past few days. But nothing unbearable and nothing I can attribute to the paragard.

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    There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
    Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
    Without you I'll never make it out alive
    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
    J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing 
  • I had it for 2 years. It was awesome not having the hormones. Now for my real feelings....

    Here is how my cycle went: flood gates of hell open days 1-7, spotting days 8-20, nothing days 21-23, spotting days 24-27ish, repeat. If we had sex it felt like my husband was jamming the inside if my uterus with a knife (any position) causing even more bleeding days after sex. Anytime I got gas I doubled over in pain. Best part all of it was considered "normal".

    I got it out a month ago and feel fantastic. After this next baby we're going for other methods, never Paragard.

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  •  I have had it for about a year, about 6 peroids because I was breastfeeding.  My first peroids were pretty heavy and lots of cramping.  However, now I just have 2 days of cramping - 1 mid cycle aand 1 right before my period.  I spot for a couple days and then have a heavy period for 4-5 days.  Not too bad.  Heard cramping and heavier periods my just be getting older.


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  • Thanks everybody! I'm really leaning towards it. I need a more permanent form of BC than a pill.
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