
Nervous about c-section

This will be my 2nd c-section and I can't help but feel little uneasy about it. First time around I was clueless and pretty chill about the situation. Now, I am worried about pain management, breastfeeding, recovery time. It doesn't help that I was in my 20's 6 years ago and able to bounce back quickly. I know it won't be as easy this time around. Anyone else in the same boat?

Re: Nervous about c-section

  • I know what you're feeling like because my second section was the same. First, completely unexpected and no time to get nervous and the second I was very scared but it actually went more smoothly. You'll feel less pain because you won't have to labour first and my second son was breastfeeding with absolutely no prompting in recovery. Just be sure to be very vocal if you are nauseous or in pain and don't stop complaining until someone listens :) That worked for me! Good luck and don't fret.


    DS #1: May 25, 2007

    DS #2: Jan 7, 2009

    DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s

  • Typically, second c/s's are easier b/c you don't have to go through the trauma of labor first (unless you try for a VBAC).  But yes, I think the nerves leading up to it (and again this time leading up to my third!) are so much worse.  There isn't much you can do about the butterflies but I will say that for me, I was really bad about overdoing it with my second... trying to take care of the older one, not taking meds on time, pushing myself too far.  While the recovery really was fine, it took me longer to bounce back b/c of my own stubbornness.  So if you want to try to plan ahead, I am focusing on planning how to force myself to take it easy in the hospital and those first 2 weeks at home.  Basically, I'm loading up my netflix queue with new shows, loaded up my kindle with new books, making freezer meals, and the big one... setting up babysitters for the kids- I'm in the minority here, but I am sending my 2 older kids off to FL with their grandparents for 6 days beginning right when I come home.  I don't want any temptations to overdo it this time and I know if they are here, I will inevitably jump into mommy mode.  I told my husband that I expect him to insist on me taking my meds right on time in the hospital and that first week at home.  That I don't want to do anything except eat, sleep, and BF.  He agreed 100%.  It's a short sacrifice for a long pay off when it comes to recovery time.






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