Special Needs

Questions for our ED: Anxiety IEP meeting

bethann3181bethann3181 member
edited January 2014 in Special Needs
I posted a bit ago about my son receiving a diagnosis from our IU for ED: Anxiety right before Christmas.  We have his IEP meeting with the county coming up, and I have so many questions.  Plus, @auntie and a few others commented about the IEP for this diagnosis my 3.5 year old son possibly being detrimental to him for future schooling, etc.  I'd love to get more perspective on this.  I have a few questions, that I'm hoping can help me understand this whole process better before the IEP meeting, and how this will really affect or help him in the future.  

What is the difference between an IEP and a 504?  How do you get a 504 plan?

Is the IEP be set in stone for his entire school career, or only for a certain period of time?  How does this play out as he gets older?  We revisit the IEP as needed, or on a certain time period basis?

Can we ever have the IEP changed or discontinued if we feel it is no suiting him properly anymore?

With the Emotional Disturbance: Anxiety diagnosis, how will he be placed in classes when he gets into primary school?  With other kids with other/more severe ED diagnoses?  Will this help or hurt him?  Will there be a stigma attached to him due to the ED diagnosis? 

**As of now, we want him to be mainstreamed, but pulled out for special services/classes as needed, but of course, are open to things changing as he needs assistance.  

Thank you so much if you have taken the time to read this and respond!!



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Re: Questions for our ED: Anxiety IEP meeting

  • Auntie - thank you so so much for your insight and guidance!  I really appreciate you taking the time to respond with in depth answers that are really going to help us.  Thank you again!
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