March 2012 Moms

Putting himself in time-out

So sometimes DS puts himself in time-out, when he knows he's done something wrong (like hitting or throwing toys at the dog). I don't know if that means it's working, or not working, haha. He'll go to time-out as soon as one of us reprimands him, and stand there and pout and kind of fake whine. I'm not sure what to do, so I let him stand there for a few seconds and then tell him time-out's all done. It's just kind of weird because I wasn't the one who put him in the time-out!
The goal of time-outs are to get him to stop the offending behavior (they are reserved for things like hitting and throwing things at people/pets), not for him to know that once he does the offending behavior he goes in time-out! So I feel like it's not really working? I'm confused. :) Thoughts?

Re: Putting himself in time-out

  • I agree... I think its good that he is beginning to recognize that he did wrong.. now he just has to recognize its wrong BEFORE he does it  lol

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  • I think it's good that he removes himself from the situation. It shows that he knows he did wrong and that he needs a minute to relax.

    I think many adults could benefit from doing the same thing.

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  • Thanks for the replies! That helps me put things into perspective. Maybe I've been expecting too much from him for his age and overlooking his accomplishments!
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