Baby Names

Please help decide girl name!

I know some of these names are not going to be everyone's style but opinions on favorite please! Brothers name is Gavyn
1. Hattie Noelle....Hattie was a name down the line in my family
2. Ella Grace....too popular?
3. Andee Nicole
4. Lincoln Nicole
Thank you!!

Re: Please help decide girl name!

  • Ella Grace is the only one I like. Popularity doesn't bother me. 
    Hattie is more of a NN to me.
    Andee looks like misspelled Andie, NN for Andrew to me
    And Lincoln is all male to me.
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • Ella Grace is very pretty.

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  • bromios said:

    I think Henrietta Noelle is a beautiful, sophisticated, elegant name. And if you do Henrietta and call her Hattie, then she can have a grown up name for her resume. It is 1000x better than the competition. 

    This. Use a full name and Hattie as a nn, and you're golden. Ella is overdone, Andee just looks silly, and Lincoln is a boy.
  • Don't give her a male name please. Lincoln and Andee don't belong as a girls FN. Andy as a NN for Andrea is kinda cute although I would still probably never call her Andy.
  • diamondduck13diamondduck13 member
    edited January 2014
    Henrietta NN Hattie. I'm so tired of Ella. Andee is misspelled and I prefer as a male NN for Andrew. And Lincoln is ok for a male who's parents really want to honor the president.
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  • I like Ella Grace.

    Please, please, please not Lincoln!!!!!
  • ella grace by default

    i love noelle and nicole

    andee and lincoln make me cringe ...they are horrid
  • Ella Grace. Please don't name your daughter Lincoln.
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  • I love Ella Grace--it's very common, but they're both lovely names. Hattie Noelle is also great. I think Hattie works fine as a stand-alone first name. I'd spell Andee as Andie, but the name seems a little dated to me. I don't like Lincoln on any gender.
  • Henrietta with Hattie as a NN! Super cute!
  • Hattie or Ella.
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  • Ella Grace. Hattie is okay. 

    Lincoln on a girl is not good. Not even a tiny bit. 

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  • I really like Hattie Noelle.
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  • I like Hadley Noelle (nn Hattie)
  • I really like the suggestion of Henrietta and calling her Hattie! I think its so cute. PLEASE don't name your daughter Lincoln. She will be mistaken for a boy on every name call and I think the trendiness of it is awful. Just my opinion.

  • My first choice is Harriet, nicknamed Hattie.  Second place is Hattie.  Third and final vote goes to Ella.  Andee and Lincoln are awful for a girl.
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  • I like Andie as a nn, maybe for Andrea.
  • Thanks guys. I appreciate it!!
  • I literally know two Ella Graces. I love Hattie Noelle and think it works just fine as a stand alone name. I honestly dont find Hattie to be too cutesy.

    Also, I'm beginning to hate the resume line when it comes to nick namey names. Two of my most successful friends have gotten that way (with no roadblocks) with the names Daisy and Annie on their resumes.
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