Baby Names

"Fun" middle name

As the baby name regulars know, DD's middle name is Belle, after the princess. As I have mentioned before, DH and I are interested in possibly keeping that theme for a future DD. The current front runner middle names are Ella (Cinderella) and Elsa (Frozen). DH and I were discussing Rapunzel last night. We both love the princess, but it's a bit of a bold move for a name. Fun middle names have been discussed in the past with a lot of people liking the idea. What do you think? Can Rapunzel be pulled off? Front runner first name is Daphne followed by Tabitha.

Re: "Fun" middle name

  • I think it's a little out there but not in a bad way.

    I do love Daphne Elsa though. I'm kind of Frozen obsessed right now. Especially with Elsa.

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  • I think it might be one of those names that people will double take any time she tells them her name.  Like, question whether she's joking. Which could get old. 

    I love the name Elsa though- but I haven't seen frozen yet.
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  • Love Daphne! And I say have fun with the middle name, I do like snow though!
  • bromios said:

    Of course, there is also Aurora ;) It would only work with Daphne, though. 

    We have discussed Aurora. DH thinks it sounds awkward.
  • It may work now but any adult is going to be embarrassed that it is their middle name...can you imagine writing that on a job app?

    Who writes their middle name on a job application? Never seen it.
  • I love the princess idea but Rapunzel is a little out there. Other than it not being a very pretty name, it would just make me picture the parents as the kind of couple who honeymoons and vacations in Disneyworld for their anniversary every year. And has a dog named Pluto, and maybe a couple of rooms decorated in Disney themes. Daphne Ella is my vote! It's double Disney but it's subtle!

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  • I think Rapunzel is a little too out there and I don't think it's a particularly pretty name. I like the Snow idea. Love both Daphne an Tabitha.
  • I love the princess idea but Rapunzel is a little out there. Other than it not being a very pretty name, it would just make me picture the parents as the kind of couple who honeymoons and vacations in Disneyworld for their anniversary every year. And has a dog named Pluto, and maybe a couple of rooms decorated in Disney themes. Daphne Ella is my vote! It's double Disney but it's subtle!

    Well, we are considering taking our 4 kids to Disney World and getting eloped. It's just our family's style.
  • I love the princess idea but Rapunzel is a little out there. Other than it not being a very pretty name, it would just make me picture the parents as the kind of couple who honeymoons and vacations in Disneyworld for their anniversary every year. And has a dog named Pluto, and maybe a couple of rooms decorated in Disney themes. Daphne Ella is my vote! It's double Disney but it's subtle!
    Well, we are considering taking our 4 kids to Disney World and getting eloped. It's just our family's style.

    Oh. Well then you work it, girl. Go with Rapunzel!

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  • I love daphne rapunzel. But daphne elsa is great too. I love the name tabitha but i dont like it with the middle names above. I like ariel or jasmine better with tabbitha
  • Daphne Rapunzel is honestly one of the most kickass names I've ever heard. Go for it.
  • Rapunzel is too out there in my opinion. I would not connect Ella with Cinderella nor would I want you to use Cinderella. I love Elsa and Merida! I also love Fiona even though it's not Disney.

    Daphne Merida
    Daphne Elsa
    Daphne Ariel
    Daphne Jasmine


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  • I think there is a strong possibility your child will not thank you for that mn! I've known plenty of folks who hated their mn's and dropped them when they reached adulthood or married. I love the suggestions of Snow, Fiona, Jasmine, Merida, etc. All of them are names that still have meaning but are still versatile enough that your child can decide when and to whom she shares the meaning behind her name (and while no one puts their mn on a job app, the question of her mn will definitely come up long before that, probably in elementary school when kids will "compare notes" on their names year after year).
  • I like Elsa (see SN). But Rapunzel is way too out there for me. And Ella is totally overused.
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  • I like it but prefer Daphne Briar
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  • Why not I knew a boy with the mn Rafiki?
  • Hmm, I wouldn't do Rapunzel to be honest. Are others Princesses' names allowed? You could pick among the same names but in other languages... For instance Snow White in Italian is Biancaneve. You could use Bianca or Neve (Snow, pronounced Neh-veh) for a MN. Tabitha Neve sounds really cute to me! Or even the role of Cenerentola (Cinderella) in Rossini's opera in actually named Angelina. You could French-ize that and do Angèle, which also rhymes with Belle! Or another Disney Princess could be Jasmine?
  • I absolutely love this theme though I dislike Rapunzel, I think pretty much all princesses are a go except Rapunzel and Cinderella though I agree I wouldn't connect Ella to Cinderella.

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  • The reason why Ella is in consideration for Cinderella is because that's her real name. Cinderella is a nickname she was given by her stepsisters because she was always covered in cinder.

    Thank you for all the input so far!! :)
  • If you dont like the flow of aurora, in on of the brothers grimm fairy tale translations her name is rosalind.

    I also like the suggestion of meridia.

    Part of the reason i think rupunzel is usable is because in the original rupunzels mother had a intense craving for rupunzel(radishes). She made her husband climb over the wall inyo the witches garden for rupunzel. The second time he did he was caught by the witch and she late them all the rupunzel they desired and as payment she got their child.

    So rupunzel is actually a nature themed name
  • I think its fun for a kid but would be awful for an adult. Keep in mind your baby is not going to be a baby forever. What about something a little less out there, like Ariel or Jasmine?

  • I think you you can have more fun with middle names, but personally, Rapunzel is too much for me, its just not as subtle as Belle.


    FWIW, I considered the mn "Darling" (as in Wendy Darling) for my DD and I think Tabitha Darling or Daphne Darling sounds...well...DARLING!

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  • bromios said:

    Of course, there is also Aurora ;) It would only work with Daphne, though. 

    We have discussed Aurora. DH thinks it sounds awkward.
    Aurora is waaaaay less awkward than Rapunzel.
  • Spin313Spin313 member
    edited January 2014
    Mother Gothel calls Rapunzel "flower"...maybe Daphne Flower/Tabitha Flower? It's less of a mouthful.

    I think Daphne Snow is beautiful; Daphne Aurora is a great choice, too.

  • Rapunzel is really awkward. I like the theme but Rapunzel is too much for my taste. I adore Elsa, it's a wonderful name.

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  • Sooooo im curious if its a boy will he have a prince name? Like flynn or eric, or phillip. Or another prominant fairy tale name?
  • LAMuehlen said:

    Sooooo im curious if its a boy will he have a prince name? Like flynn or eric, or phillip. Or another prominant fairy tale name?

    No, we have already named boys in the past and they don't fit that theme.

    Back story on the princess middle name ~ DH has a total of 5 children (4 of which are ours). The first 4 were boys. He always hoped that one say he would get a "daddy's little princess". When we found out DD was a girl, we took her being our little princess to heart and named her after DH's favorite princess.
  • I think anything goes for middle names! Daphne Rapunzel actually has a nice flow :). Love Elsa, though.

    I don't really think Rapunzel works with Tabitha, though (but I adore Tabitha).

    What about Daphne Snow or Daphne Merida? Tabitha Snow sounds cute too. Also, Ella is cute, but what about Cinder? That night flow better than Ella with your two first name options.

    Cute theme :)

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