Late Term and Child Loss

Photographing baby and family

Hi, I first want to say that I am so sorry for your losses and my heart breaks for you and your families. I hope I am being sensitive in writing this on this board: My husband's coworker just found out their baby's heart stopped beating. She was 36 weeks along. They are in the process of inducing her right now. I am a hobbyist photographer but wanted to offer my services if it is something they want. I have heard of this before when a baby passes and I realize some people want pictures and some people don't and some just want to get their own photos and others would rather someone else take them but how can I bring this up tactfully and respectfully? My heart is just breaking and I want to be able to provide something for them to be able to cherish when they are ready if I can but I don't want it to seem weird or painful to try and bring it up. Did any of you bring in a photographer when your baby was born?
DS1 5/15/11
DS2 12/20/12

Re: Photographing baby and family

  • Thank you so much for your reply. Thank you for reminding me of the service provided by Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. I had heard of them but had forgotten about them so thank you! I will certainly send along their information. 
    I am aware that it would be incredibly difficult and you brought up a good point of not wanting the family to have to comfort me. I actually am a social worker and have seen and been a part of terrible circumstances including infant loss and so have experience and training on how to handle myself in these type of situations although this hits closer to home as these are people I know and not just clients. Thank you again for taking them time to reply and I am so sorry for your loss. 
    DS1 5/15/11
    DS2 12/20/12
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