Natural Birth

Anyone use Doula Care program?

I really want to get a doula, but seeing that they range around $700, DH and I don't think we can afford it. I found out about Doula Care, which is a non-profit program that either provides a free doula (if you meet the income limits) or charges $350 if you are above the limit. Idk what the actual income limit is, but if we are above it, I am definitely going to make it so I can swing $350. I was just wondering if anyone had used this program and if so, how they liked it?



BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.

BFP#5 11/9/13.  EDD 7/21/14  Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!

Re: Anyone use Doula Care program?

  • where are they located? i was just looking up doulas and didn't realize it was so expensive!  and i would certainly love to be able to afford one at my birth.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Well they are for Michigan. They have Doulas all over, I guess. I haven't called yet. I need to do it soon!

    BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
    BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
    BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
    BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.

    BFP#5 11/9/13.  EDD 7/21/14  Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!

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  • $700 is actually very cheap for a doula. We live in Canada and our doula costs $1200. But it also includes a lot. 3-4 visits during pregnancy at our house, in te labour room with us, 1-2 visits at our house post partum and it also includes 2 visits from a lactation consultant. But I are doula is awesome and I talk to her all the time so she is pretty worth it. Definitely look around and go with the one who offers the most.
  • I'm not familiar with the organization, but it sounds like it's worth a call! I think the cost varies a lot depending on where you live, but if you're willing to go with a less experienced doula, or one in training, it's easier to find someone on the lower end of the scale. 

    We interviewed 3 doulas off doula match, with varying standard charges ($300, $450, and $650). Ultimately, we decided to go with the most expensive (and experienced) one, but she agreed to do extra prenatal visits with us to (at  no extra charge) to cover childbirth biology/physiology, comfort techniques, etc. That meant that we opted out of doing the Bradley classes we'd originally planned on, so we're still saving money.

    BFP #1 08/05/12. EDD 4/15/13 m/c 08/27/12
    BFP #2 06/05/13. EDD 2/16/2014 (Team Blue). Baby Wombat born 2/20/2014 7lb. 11oz and 20 in.
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