
Does your RE care about cycle days or dpo?

Apparently the nurse at my RE doesn't care about dpo and just what cycle day I'm on.
M/C 4/2008 BFP 7/2008 DS 3/1/2009 TTC #2 since May 2012 Lap - May 2013 - no findings Ectopic 9/2013 mtx HSG 10/2013 tubes open Nov 2013 Clomid Round 1 days 4-8: BFN Dec 2013 Clomid Round 2: days 2-6: BFN

Re: Does your RE care about cycle days or dpo?

  • I'm confused. Why is your nurse asking where you are in your cycle?
    image imageimage

    TTC #2 with assistance since 03/11
    Me: 33, Autoimmune (Hashimotos and FMS/CFS)
    Treated with Synthroid, acupuncture, TCM and supplements
    DH: 33, MFI (very low on all counts, high antibodies, hemochromatosis)
    Many treatments tried, none successful

    IVF/ICSI #1 05/14 - EPP/Antagonist, Gonal-F and Luveris, 18R, 14M, 13F - SET of 1BC, all arrested on day 5 - C/P
    Genetic testing = normal, DNA Frag = excellent
    IVF #2 03/15 - Long protocol with Suprefact, Gonal-F, and possibly Luveris, adding in PICSI
  • Yes but she said dpo is useless to her. She wants cd so it doesn't matter if I o'd late or not. She said 14 dpo was too early for a pg test since I was only on cd 24
    M/C 4/2008 BFP 7/2008 DS 3/1/2009 TTC #2 since May 2012 Lap - May 2013 - no findings Ectopic 9/2013 mtx HSG 10/2013 tubes open Nov 2013 Clomid Round 1 days 4-8: BFN Dec 2013 Clomid Round 2: days 2-6: BFN
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  • A Dr doesn't care about DPO because they know when to test for pregnancy after an IUI or IVF procedure.  Are you going through IUI or IVF?  This board is for those with infertility diagnosis and most of us are in IVF process.
    Me: 32, DH: 34.
    Trying since Jan 2011. Unexplained IF.
    2 IUIs = BFN.
    1 IVF (Dec 2013) = BFN.
    FET, 2 frosties (June 13, 2014)

    14dp5dt-June 27 -BFP, beta 2061. 2nd beta >5000, 3rd beta >5000, 2 sacs 06/30.
    Twin Girls - 02/11/15 - at 37 weeks (no NICU, home with me at 3 days).
  • I have unexplained secondary infertility and I've been trying to conceive for almost two years. We are currently on round 2 of clomid, so I think I belong here. I'm sure about dpo as I was using opks and I observed a temp shift.
    M/C 4/2008 BFP 7/2008 DS 3/1/2009 TTC #2 since May 2012 Lap - May 2013 - no findings Ectopic 9/2013 mtx HSG 10/2013 tubes open Nov 2013 Clomid Round 1 days 4-8: BFN Dec 2013 Clomid Round 2: days 2-6: BFN
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