Cloth Diapering

ON stink?

I have an almost 18 month old who pees like a crazy man at night! We've had so many problems with him peeing through everything at night for a loooong time, until we tried cloth! :-) I was stuffing the diapers (we use pockets) to the max, like almost couldn't zip up PJs they were so bulky. We now use the flip ON in a pocket and usually have no issues with leaking. However, when I get him up in the morning he stinks! A combo of old pee and ammonia. I started rinsing and soaking them when I change him, which I'm hoping will help. Is this just part of having a toddler who is a heavy wetter or is there something else I can be doing? Also, this might be a dumb question but how long should I soak? I'm just soaking in water. Thanks!

Re: ON stink?

  • I usually soak my fitteds for a few hours. Just because I'm busy and have other stuff to do.
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  • Soaking helped our ON stink problems tremendously! I soak my ON flats in hot water with two spritzes of BacOut. They usually wind up soaking for 24 hours b/c I forget about them until the next morning. Oops.


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  • I soak for a couple of hours. Just kind of forget about it and then when I remember I go grab em. It's helped tremendously. I don't have a toddler but I was having ammonia issues and it's helped with the smell. 
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  • Thanks ladies!! Now I won't feel so guilty when I forget about it and it soaks all day!
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