Baby Names

Camden Maxwell for a girl

jill0986jill0986 member
edited January 2014 in Baby Names
My husband and I decided on this name fairly quick once we found out we were having a girl. I had wanted Maxwell as the first name but my hubby really like Camden so we compromised and decided on Camden Maxwell. Only problem my MIL has been very vocal in not liking the name. I know it's not up to her but wanted to hear others opinions.

Re: Camden Maxwell for a girl

  • It's not a girl's name IMO. Could you do Cameron Maxine?
    ~Married 12.09.12~
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  • Camden is ok but getting overly popular. And Maxwell for a girl is too Jessica Simpson for me.
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  • Way too masculine! Can you do Cambria, Camille, Camila, Camryn is even better than that.
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  • yeah she is right....awful
  • Yeah...that's a total boy's name. I don't find it unisex or spunky or whatever the boy for a name crowd is looking for. I think people will constantly assume she's a boy and that's a huge burden to put on her.
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  • Defiantly taking the opinions to heart, but don't appreciate the TMZ comment as both names have significance. Camden is where my husband and I met ( no not Camden NJ, I don't even know where that is) and Maxwell is my husbands late grandfathers name. I do like Camryn. Thank you everyone for your insight.
  • This is a great name for a boy. Awful for a girl.
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  • Maybe they made a mistake and you're really having a boy, then you can use the name! Sorry but it is very much a boy name!
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  • This is so horrible, it must be MUD. There's no way this is legit.
  • Camden is fine for a girls name, just save the maxwell for a fn or mn for the next one. The two of them together is a little too masculine in my opinion.

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  • I love Camden Maxwell for a boy. I am sorry but does not seem like a girls name to me. Also, it makes me a little sad that all the boy names are being taken by girls. Poor gents can't seem to keep any names for themselves.
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  • I'm sorry but I agree with your MIL.
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  • I love the name Camden for a boy. Not for a girl.
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  • Absolutely horrid!!
  • I don't like Camden much either way but they both read masculine to me.
  • Horrible choice for a girl. I agree with the PP that said choose one as a MN and choose a more feminine first name.
  • This has to be MUD.
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  • I would assume this child was a boy. Those names are both SOOOO masculine.  I don't suggest Camden for a girl, period. But in the least- do a feminine middle name? Or scratch if, and try for a pretty name... there's so many out there!
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • I'm also on Team MIL. I'm from NJ, and for some reason, there are a lot of little girls named Camdyn or Camden here. I'm used to it as a girl's name, and actually wouldn't mind it as a MN. I even think it's kind of cute that that's where you guys met, and your daughter would think it's sweet to tell others the significance of her MN in the future

    I'm actually more opposed to Maxwell for a girl. I know it's to honor your grandfather, but think it would be better to save for a future son, or not to go so literal for your daughter. Maxine would be nice and feminine, but I also suggest Mackenzie nn Max. It's a little more trendy, but it would work.

              TTC 17 months, Dx: MFI (morph = 1,) Endo. Surprise BFP after HSG!
  • I would assume you are horribly disappointed that you're having a girl and gave her a boy's name to make yourself feel better.
     And I loath to say it but I'm team MIL too.

  • jill0986 said:
    Defiantly taking the opinions to heart, but don't appreciate the TMZ comment as both names have significance. Camden is where my husband and I met ( no not Camden NJ, I don't even know where that is) and Maxwell is my husbands late grandfathers name. I do like Camryn. Thank you everyone for your insight.
    Camden (not NJ) may be where you and DH met, but I can't possibly believe you haven't at least heard of Camden, NJ and the reputation that city has.  I appreciate wanting to use a family name as well.  Maxwell is a family name for us as well, but if I were going that route, then I would definitely find something else that has some femininity to it to balance the name out.  If you're looking for significance with your relationship to DH there are plenty of other places to look (where/when you were married, first date something, proposal something, where you conceived...not that I'm suggesting any of these, BTW).  Or, find a woman's name in your family to honor since you like the idea of using grandfather's name.

    FWIW, DS was conceived in Kathmandu.  We strongly considered Katherine as a girl's name based on that.  Ultimately didn't matter, but clearly you can come up with something as a nod to a city that isn't so bleh.
  • First of all, it's not your MIL's choice.  She's already had the chance to name children---her own.


    Second, if you truly want an honest opinion, I really dislike it.  I hate Camden as a name, period, but it's still somewhat masculine to me.  Maxwell is DEFINITELY masculine, but if it was a family name paired with a feminine first name, my opinion might differ a little.

    If people see the name on paper, such as a class list or roster, they're going to assume with a great amount of confidence that she's a boy.

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  • Like, if her name was Camilla Maxwell, I'd be singing a different tune, especially as Maxwell is a family name.

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  • Not to beat a dead horse, but it's honestly not fit for a lady baby. I like the suggestion of Camille. 
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  • No.



  • I thought you said you were having a girl.
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    Not sure where to go from here.


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  • I book travel arrangements for a lot of people - most are people I have never met. When working on my name list I always like to think - "Would I have to ask if this is male or female for the TSA?". I know it sounds silly, but it would be pretty crappy to constantly have to clarify if it is a boy or girl. 
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  • So I'm just going to add that everyone else is right. Good lord that's not a good name. Both masculine. Use one or the other as a middle name. Don't saddle her with a male name. And not even a good one.


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  • Thank you again for everyone's input. My husband and I discussed and we are going to do a more feminine middle name.
  • jill0986 said:

    Thank you again for everyone's input. My husband and I discussed and we are going to do a more feminine middle name.

    If you ever have a son, Maxwell is a great name. I really like it.

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  • Wait so you're still sticking her with Camden as a FN?
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