Special Needs

Anyone with CF?

I'm sot sure if it's okay to ask, If not please except my apology!

DS3 saw a Pedi GI yesterday and wants to test for CF because LO has had trouble gaining weight since he was 2 months old(he is 6.5 months old now and is 14 lbs 7 oz) and has been congested since birth. So my question is how was your LO diagnosed with CF? What were their symptoms? What doctor did you go to ,to get tested to make sure y'all had the Gene,if you did? 

My DS1 was test when he was a baby and it came back as him being a carrier. DH and I were tested by my OBGYN when I was pregnant with DS2 and they said it came back negative. I told the GI doctor that but said he wanted to test anyways because he doesn't think there could be any other reason why he wouldn't be gaining weight. I keep telling myself there is no chance he could have it but in the back of my mind, I keep thinking that there could be a small chance that the test came back wrong and that DH and I do have the gene. 

DS1 2-26-07
DS2 10-18-10
M/C 8-5-12
DS3  6-21-13
#4 Due May 2015



Re: Anyone with CF?

  • Thank you! My cousin has it and is 21 years old. So I know what to expect but still scary at the same time. Hopefully she will get a hold of me!

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY


  • BostonKisses2. They did the newborn screening twice to make sure he levels were good. I'm waiting for the call to set up the sweat test. He wanted to test for CF first because he said it sounded like he has it. I even asked of there could be other reasons why he isn't gaining and he said that CF would be the first. So I guess we would go from there and see what the test says. Thank you for the website!

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY


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