March 2014 Moms

Using your placenta


Re: Using your placenta

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  • LAE1982 said:

    This board is sophomoric at best. Why don't i do us all a favor and delete the app. I find this banter between judgemental cunts to be pointless and I have other shit to do.

    At least you said goodbye first. I hate it when people don't GBCB. Buh-bye!
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  • lalaith50lalaith50 member
    edited January 2014

    ETA: i dont feel like being mean today... :-(
  • LAE1982 said:
    This board is sophomoric at best. Why don't i do us all a favor and delete the app. I find this banter between judgemental cunts to be pointless and I have other shit to do.

    Damn, I'm always late to the party. Calling everyone sophomoric and then saying they're judgmental cunts? Perhaps eating your placenta will also cure hypocrisy. I'm sure there's tons of scientific research on that if you're not too lazy to look it up.
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  • Ohhhh how funny that OP interpreted our comments that way! Wtf?!?! I certainly didn't notice any small mindedness- just ppl expressing their opinions!
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