March 2012 Moms

Won't go to bed?

Since we weaned and did CIO around 18 months, DD has gone down to bed every night with no fight.  She takes her paci, lovie, and puppy and lays down and goes straight to sleep.  The past three days, though, she has screamed and screamed when we put her down.  Any ideas?  

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Re: Won't go to bed?

  • I'm not sure if I'm any help. DS is having a similar issue but he appears to be afraid of shadows. We are currently working on it.

    I can sympathize though!

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  • Unfortunately, I think it's just another phase to get through. Last month we went through something similar. It took going in and a lot of rocking and back rubbing to get him down for maybe a week. Then the week after, he started asking to go to bed and started to happily lay down awake, chill for awhile and go to sleep on his own-- all without a peep. He's always needed to rock a little with me before bed (which isn't a problem for me, he's an only and always will be so it's no issue to work a little bit to get him to sleep) but now he doesn't even want or need it. It's like he just turned on a switch that changed that part of him completely. Every day is different with these kids.
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  • Ditto the phase idea. We've never had a hard time putting J down, but for the last couple of weeks he's had tougher time. I think he'll move past it soon. We're just trying to stay consistent. Good luck!


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  • edited January 2014
    Interesting... I think this is a common issue at this age, as DS has awoken in the MOTN a couple of times recently crying hard, like he's really distraught. Then it took literally 2 to 3 hours to get him back to sleep (ugh). A coworker suggested night terrors, and I do think he was more comforted when I turned a little nightlight on (we have also always had him in pitch black). I sort of remember reading that this might be a developmental milestone.. oh joy. Hopefully it passes soon!
  • I hope it's just a phase!  We've tried to put a night light in her room before, but it's caused her more angst than the dark.  Maybe it's time to try again, though.  And I wish that we could rock her and help her sleep, but she will not be rocked to sleep anymore.  If she's not in her bed, she just wants to eat or play!  

    Of course she went down just fine tonight...  maybe the phase was short?  Or maybe that's just wishful thinking!  I just hope it passes before the new baby gets here!

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