So I started writing out LOs whole life story about his AR, but then I just deleted it all. I'm exhausted trying to find a solution to keep food down.. What works one day doesn't another, some days he'll spit up once, other days 20 times no rhyme or reason. At this point I'm not even sure it is acid reflux. We have another weight check tomorrow and I'm nervous and frustrated. I'm planning to ask about a change in his medicine and possibly seeing a specialist. But.. If anyone else has any advice or going through anything similar, I'd love to hear I'm not alone or any successes you've had.
Mason Lee
Born 8/18/13
A13 May Siggy Contest
Re: Acid Reflux sufferers come in...or anyone :-)
I know neonates can be given a substance to add to their milk to thicken it. Not sure the name. Might ask about it.
@lemsa I've never heard of pyloric stenosis... Off to google... Oh and we are on the thicker AR formula but he breastfeeds too and the AR formula hasn't helped all that much.. I may ask about the gelatin (I think that's what it is) stuff to add.
@lorjo2022 oh no! Hopefully it's just a phase!? Sending non spit up vibes your way
As far as cereal, I know that eartg's best doesn't contain any hidden ingredients.
We suffer for the same thing...most days are extremely spitty but on a rare occasion she will barely spit up at all and it's like some magical reflux unicorn cured her for the day lol. I'm sure you're probably already doing most of this but here's what we do:
- Bottle feed in an upright position
- burp as much as possible
- keep upright almost 100% of the day. As soon as we lay her down for a diaper change, she spits up. It's ridic. But I have heard they have inclined changing pads, just haven't bought one.
- depending upon how bad it is, which it sounds bad for you, you may want to add rice cereal to each bottle. We add 1 teaspoon per every 2 ounces and the dr actually just told us to increase it even more because she is still a fountain.
- sleep in a RNP or incline your crib
- dr told us to feed as much solids as possible because it stays down better. We also mix rice in that.
- ask for pepcid. She was on prevacid which helped with the pain but her GI dr said pepcid is more of an acid reducer than just a pain blocker.
- bibs and burp cloths are your friend
Oh we did sweet potatoes and banana too :-) and I'm gonna do squash or peas next.. I think..
Have you tried the oatmeal kind instead of rice? I bought some just in case because the dr said it's best to swap it out since that doesn't make them as backed up.
I haven't noticed a huge difference in different types of jar food. I just add rice to it....I think they're gonna spit up either way. I'm terrified of adding too much rice and having choking issues. But the only difference I've seen is less spit up with jar food vs bottles.
It's hard to see them in pain You may also want to ask about a different medicine. It was all trial and error for us with meds and formula. Zantac didn't work for us but prevacid did.
We switched to oatmeal as well to avoid constipation
Here's what I'm you think it tastes different to your baby? I haven't done it yet but since it's different, wouldn't it taste different? It may not matter bu I'm curious.