2nd Trimester

Ring on a string gender test!

I've been doing a lot of the old wives tale gender tests just for fun. I know they aren't accurate at all, however most people I've talked to said the ring on a string predicted their baby's gender correctly. I was just wondering if anyone out there has tried it and if so, was it right? For those who don't know, you tie a ring to a piece of string and hold it over your palm. If it starts to swing in a straight line back and forth, it means boy. If it does distinct circles around and around, it means girl. Mine has said boy numerous times so we will see! Let me hear back from you guys. I'm very curious! :)

Re: Ring on a string gender test!

  • I myself didn't. But when my sister was pregant we did all those experiments ( for fun), and with her it said a boy. She had a girl :-)
  • I did this years ago at a girls' night out with my sister. It said I was going to have 2 boys. I'm having a girl.

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    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
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  • Not the ring test but I did the string a needle with my hair and put it over wrist test a LONG time ago. It said I was having a boy then girl then boy. So far I have a son and now a daughter on the way. It's fun and even though it was right twice I still don't consider it full proof :-)
  • Mine said girl and I'm having a boy...

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  • Every single old wives' tale said I was having a girl. They were all wrong.
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  • One of my best friend's mother did this test on all 4 of us about a year before any of us got married (2010), just for fun. Mine said my first would be a girl, and it's a girl! My other best friend's prediction was two boys, very close in age, she is pregnant with her second boy and her first little boy is only 11 months old (he'll be 15 months when his little brother is born). I still think it's a coincidence, however, it's really fun to try to predict what you'll have!
    When she did this with me, it said I was only going to have one child, which I wouldn't mind at all (hubby is on a different page with that). After being as sick as I've been, I'm starting to want to make sure that prediction comes true!!! Ha!

  • I did the Chinese predictor and it said boy and I did an online compilation test for all the wives tales and it said girl. So when I find out in a couple of weeks, we will see whether the Chinese or the old wives had it right. As to MrsMuq, people are just excited to find out the gender, I know I am, and its a silly fun thing to do while waiting to find out the real results. I don't put any weight into any of it but what's wrong with being a little curious? 
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  • It has worked on everyone I have ever seen it done with but me. It has always said girl but im having a boy. It counts ms also. I know it counts amount accurately but not always sex.
  • MrsMuq said:
    My post was in no way hateful. I seriously don't get why people get all up in arms like "ZOMG! Chinese gender predictor told me I'm having a girl! What did it say for you?!"

    Just for fun! I checked the chinese gender predictor for me (it was wrong) and for us three daughters of my mom (my youngest sister should have been a boy???)

    It was really just for fun


  • What is the ring on the finger test?? I like doing these, just for fun.
  • My mom did this OWT to me about 4 times, from the time I was 6 weeks until 14 weeks. Each time it said boy. Last week, we found out we are having a boy! Every person she's done this to throughout her life, it's always been accurate. I'm not much of a believer in OWT, but this one seems to really work. GL! :)
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Mine said boy, I'm having a boy
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I was curious so I did the test. Mine said boy as did the Chinese predictor but some online compilation of OWT said girl. I find out in three weeks, which was right. And can't wait. Somehow knowing the sex makes the baby seem like more of a real person. I also can't wait to feel kicks. I am at 15 weeks and really looking forward to all those flutters I keep hearing about. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • She's doing it for fun and there's nothing wrong with that. No need to be negative. To each it's own.
  • I read somewhere that circles meant a boy and back and forth meant a girl. Which one is it?

  • Hateful, no. Unnecessarily negative, yes. Some people think it's fun. I love the old wives take tests, it's a nice way to try and hold myself over until I can find out for sure. I also have people guessing to see who ends up being right.

    All of them have said girl for me but my mom swears it's a boy based on her dreams. Everything said boy for my sister in law and she had a girl. We'll see in two weeks!
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  • Said boy, having boy!
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