I've been doing a lot of the old wives tale gender tests just for fun. I know they aren't accurate at all, however most people I've talked to said the ring on a string predicted their baby's gender correctly. I was just wondering if anyone out there has tried it and if so, was it right? For those who don't know, you tie a ring to a piece of string and hold it over your palm. If it starts to swing in a straight line back and forth, it means boy. If it does distinct circles around and around, it means girl. Mine has said boy numerous times so we will see! Let me hear back from you guys. I'm very curious!
Re: Ring on a string gender test!
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
When she did this with me, it said I was only going to have one child, which I wouldn't mind at all (hubby is on a different page with that). After being as sick as I've been, I'm starting to want to make sure that prediction comes true!!! Ha!
Just for fun! I checked the chinese gender predictor for me (it was wrong) and for us three daughters of my mom (my youngest sister should have been a boy???)
It was really just for fun
All of them have said girl for me but my mom swears it's a boy based on her dreams. Everything said boy for my sister in law and she had a girl. We'll see in two weeks!