Yesterday I got the dreaded call from daycare. You know, the one that sends the moment of panic through your body.
"DD2 had an accident. You need to pick her up and take her to the doctor."
It was a great reminder of why I always begin parent phone calls with "Your child is FINE!" (I'm a teacher for those who don't know).
She just started to walk (took her first steps on Christmas day) and in her weeble wobble mode, fell and hit her bottom lip/chin on the edge of a child's table. Initially the daycare thought she bit through her lip, but thankfully upon further investigation, she only sliced open the outside. However, it was a good enough slice to require 3 stitches. Thankfully DH was working from home (it was a teacher workday so he had LA) so he went with us and did all the pinning down during the procedure. Mama didn't need to see that or hear the screams!!
Here she is just prior to going back for stitches with the numbing meds on her chin.
Re: Always an adventure...
She is such a trooper. It isn't slowing her down at all. It is taking all of my will-power to NOT helicopter over her today.
LOL @Auntie about the hair. Her hair is seriously crazy right now (and I secretly love it). Check out this picture