I had my 36 week U/S growth check/NST/BPP yesterday-things look good, although both are breech-A had been flipping around, but seems stuck in the breech position for the past 3 weeks. So it looks like a C-section for me. I'll know more specifics next week when I see my OB.
I'm a little disappointed in the reality of a probable C-section b/c I had my two other children vaginally (plus my OB said I had a great pelvis and she was disappointed too), but know that a C-section is the way to go in this case.
Also, Baby A measured 6 lbs, 10 ozs and Baby B measured 6 lbs, 6 ozs. I know they are only estimates, but my singletons were on the bigger side ( DS was 9 lbs 6 ozs, and DD was 8 lbs 3 ozs), so I hope these guys are not that big b/c I don't know how much more the skinon my tummy can stretch!!
Plus my practice doesn't schedule C-sections until about 39 weeks. So I could be in this for the long haul if I don't go into labor on my own beforehand. Yikes!
Re: Had an U/S-growth check and OB appt yesterday
Wow, those are great weights! My boys were both estimated at just 5lbs 11 oz yesterday.
FWIW, I wouldn't give up hope on a vaginal delivery just yet; my Baby B had been breech the past 3 weeks, and yesterday he was vertex! So hopefully your A will flip one more time.
Ugh, sorry about having to go to 39 weeks. That would bother me, since 38 weeks is when the placentas start to deteriorate and the stillbirth rate increases (albeit slightly) for twins. Are you sure you can't talk them into 38 weeks? (I am totally feeling for you because I'm miserable already at 37w1d and just counting the days till my scheduled induction on Tuesday!)