May 2014 Moms

Will you swaddle?


Re: Will you swaddle?

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    I'll be a little more cognizant this time of the hips after DDs hip dysplasia to not bind the legs in an unhealthy hip position. Definitively for the arms though to prevent startling. I liked the sacs with the Velcro pieces over th arms.
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    My trainer offered no real scientific research to back up her claim, but she told us that swaddling inhibits movement, as babies have a natural desire to move and swaddling prevents it.

    I have no real experience as I am a FTM, but I'd like to try not doing it. She never mentioned the startle reflex being the cause of babies waking during their sleep, she spoke of it more when babies are put down onto a bed/bassinet etc. I haven't done any research myself as I just never gave a second thought of it. But if someone has some research and would like to share, I would like to read up on it. Or some personal experience.

    I am all for what works for everyone's own families, all in the goal of happy, healthy children. And of course there are things we all want to do, but the baby might not be following our game plan.
    The startle reflex is very real. And yes, they absolutely will do it in their sleep and not just when being put down.

    We swaddled DS until he could break out of it (~6w). Used swaddlepods after that until he could houdini his hands out. From there he was restraint free...and let me tell you, he woke himself up plenty. Overall I dont have regrets about following his lead on dropping the swaddle as i think it helped with his transition from bassinet to crib, but man, there were some nights I questioned the decision.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


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    I will do it if our baby likes it. All babies are different and some do well with it while others do not.
    What did you read that was bad? All I have read was that room should be left in the leg area.
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    We swaddled DS when he slept (we used the Summer Infant Swaddle Pod), but only for four weeks. He was freakishly strong as a newborn and busted out of everything.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

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    All three of my kids have thrived with the swaddle.  Baby #1 was STTN by 7 weeks.  Baby #2 slept significantly better swaddled but didn't STTN until over a year.  Baby#3 was STTN by 10 weeks.  All three slept so much better swaddled and all weened themselves or were weened by 6 months old.  Baby #3 was so in love with swaddling that we had to gradually break him of the habit once he started rolling.  
    We plan on swaddling baby #4 as long as that baby is also receptive to swaddling.  
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers mc #1 2/17/06 mc#2 8/3/06 mc #3 9/7/09
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    I'm swaddling my little dude unless he doesn't like it.
    My nephew was swaddled and at one point the ped told mom that she needed to stop swaddling after she told that baby was not rolling yet... Ped thought swaddling was not allowing enough movement to roll. It's the only "bad" thing I've heard. From what you are all saying, your kids started rolling while still swaddled, so who knows!
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    DS1 loved to be swaddled and we'll do it again with this one. If I remember correctly, we just swaddled him with arms out.

    As for the "dangers" of swaddling: doesn't one of the sleep sacks (Halo?) come with information that proper swaddling helps prevent SIDS?

    Now, this reminds me to buy a couple more. Loved these things.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

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    Unless your baby hates it (and many don't), you'll want to swaddle. It's kind of like how you read so much negative shit about pacifiers until you experience the saving grace of one at 3 in the morning...Try going without if you want (no judgment here), but I think you'll find it more helpful than harmful.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    I've heard and seen videos on the hip dysplacia concerns, but that goes down to improper swaddling and doing it too tight with legs stretched out.

    There are some really good videos about how to swaddle properly to prevent any issues and allow for proper hip alignment.

    @florassecret, It's possible that the reason that your Montessori doesn't swaddle is because many states have actually banned the practice for licensed day care facilities.

    It seems like it has to do with the potential for improper swaddling that can lead to issues that leave the day care liable, but not that the swaddling itself is bad.


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    We will swaddle, DS wasn't a big swaddler. From experience babies love to be swaddled, you'll have a screaming baby a cry mom and she tells you that all the baby wants is to be held. That's when I swaddle the baby and they stop crying. Also if it wasn't safe hospitals wouldn't be doing it.
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    Let me tell you how quickly "they" change their minds on things.. My son was 18 months old when my niece was born; when I went to visit her in the hospital, they had her loosely swaddled, arms out because it was now considered dangerous to swaddle with arms in.

    UM, really?  Okay..

    I am a firm believer in swaddling and the 5 s's so you bet your arse we will be swaddling again.  I want to get SOME sleep.
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    Yes, we'll be swaddling unless LO decides he/she hates it.
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