Cloth Diapering

Guidelines for buying used?

Good Morning!!
I am due in July so am just starting to gather cloth diapers so I am a total newbie but already obsessed! We've decided to go with mainly prefolds and fitteds with covers, but will probably also do some AIO's for babysitters.
I've seem some used diapers on sale and was curious how to know what was a fair price. Is there a guideline for what a good deal is? Like 70% of retail for EUC? Less?

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Guidelines for buying used?

  • Wss. It's really how much you want to spend. I only buy used diapers if they're CHEAP. I don't go for all this full price with free shipping just because you only used it once nonsense.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yeah, I saw someone selling a wool cover for 45 ppd. In the pic you can clearly see a price tags for $43. Yeah, it's NWT, but I'm not paying full price + for it.
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