
Movies with twins :)

I just watched the movie The Change Up and there's b/g twins in it. I thought the scene where Jason Bateman tandem bottle feeds was cute! I saw that movie long before we had the girls, just funny how you pay more attention. What other movies have twins in them?


Re: Movies with twins :)

  • Parent Trap, HP...those come to mind first. Though Parent Trap is twin characters, not actors.
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  • Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
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  • I just watched the movie The Change Up and there's b/g twins in it. I thought the scene where Jason Bateman tandem bottle feeds was cute! I saw that movie long before we had the girls, just funny how you pay more attention. What other movies have twins in them?

    So funny....I saw the movie before my twins too but caught it on tv last night and paid so much more attention to the twins aspect of it this time too!! Having your own certainly makes those "funny" scenes that much more real haha.
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  • Jack and Jill!!!!
    I saw that when I was pregnant, but we didn't know yet that it was twins. For some completely random reason I LOVED that movie, and quoted from it all the time, annoying my husband. I am NOT a huge Adam Sandler fan, we saw it on a whim because we were at the movies and it was the only one playing at that time!

    At the ultrasound when the technician told me it was twins, my mom kept shouting, Jack and Jill! Jack and Jill!

  • There's always the classic "Twins" with Schwarzenegger and DeVito.

    Grant - 6/2/11
    Glenn and Caroline - 6/19/13

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