So I figured better to vent here than to call him at work and complain about something stupid that he can't do anything about anyway.
He let DD use her new nice watercolor pad from her grandparents to draw with colored pencils on every page. ?And some of the pages HE drew on (things for DD, like a monster or WALL-E). ?So today when she wanted to paint with her new watercolors, it was either let her make a huge mess with regular paper or paint over one of her drawings. ?I opted for painting over one of her drawings, and she was happy enough, but WHY could he not have just walked upstairs and gotten her some regular paper for the colored pencils? ?We have a whole giant box of regular paper. ?I know why. ?Because the watercolor pad was "right there" and he didn't feel like walking upstairs, that's why.
See, I told you it was stupid. ?But now I can feel satisfied and he never has to know it bugged me.?
Re: I am annoyed with DH over something stupid
I am WAY more particular about the proper use of art supplies than my husband, an elegant man of convenience and leisure, is.
I would seethe. he would tell me I am unstable and that it would be ok to go buy a new watercolor pad...but THAT WOULDN'T BE THE POINT!
I totally feel ya.
EXACTLY! ?Ex. Act. Ly.?