Hi my name is second time mom of same gender child..... and I am having a baby shower next weekend. My mom an good friend are throwing it. I'm not sure if it's a cultural thing (I live in the south) and had 3 showers the first time. I said okay to this one but asked that it be much more low key. We just moved to a new house an many loved ones have been asking when the shower would be and if we would have it here or close by so they can come see it. All of my friends have had showers for second babies. Most have same gender children. One even had a shower for her 3rd boy. Our nursery is compete and anything we needed or wanted to replace I have already bought including cloth diapers...... Our community kind of has a "every baby should be celebrated" mentality. It is also considered very rude to decline a gift or offer to throw a shower. My grandma freaks when I try to offer to pay for dinner.
That all being said, this shower will have about 25 people, women and babies only. I am registered because my grandma asked repeatedly if I was because family members were asking what to get us. It was not an easy task to figure out what to register for when I have everything we need.
So my question is...... is anyone else willing to admit they had a second shower or are having one?
Re: Raising hand.... admitting to second shower
I'm in NC and have never heard of anyone having a shower for a second child either. Sorry, OP!
Comparing breast pads to maxi pads is a little much. I agree. Thanks for clearing that up. Would you tell a formula feeding mom not to register for a formula mixer or bottle warmer? The way I see it choosing to breast feed, all breastfeeding supplies are for my baby, breast pads included. A breast pump would be on my list too because I used my sister's last time but my insurance pays for one this time around.
Also, I am registered at Target so we get 10% off for all items not purchased and another 5% with our red card. 15% is a good discount. I'm not embarrassed to have breastfeeding items on my registry. And feel that comparing breast pads to maxi pads is insulting to all breastfeeding mothers, even if you say your intentions when you said ewww had more to do with it being an item for mom not baby when you add in the maxi pad comparison it's harder to justify your rudeness.....
ETA my H and I families are HUGE about babies. They freak out. I would do this to avoid them throwing me a surprise shower because his mom is that way.
But people will know you're pregnant. Unless you've always thrown "just because parties", your friends will most likely think this party thrown by a pregnant lady is a shower of sorts.
If you met my H mom, I think you might understand. She was so crazy over our baby that she wanted to throw the shower and have pony rides for the kids (there were no kids but my 5 year old and sister who was 11) they have a lot of money and can't be controlled. She already talked about throwing a huge shower for baby number 3 (really #2 for her) and I told her I wasn't comfortable with that and she said I don't have to be comfortable I just have to be there. H already stood up to her too and she didn't care.
Ps I have a registry too ;;)
But people will know you're pregnant. Unless you've always thrown "just because parties", your friends will most likely think this party thrown by a pregnant lady is a shower of sorts.
I disagree that I would assume this is a shower just because the hostess is pregnant. Even if they don't usually throw parties I'd assume it was just their first "for fun" party.
It's not that you shouldn't celebrate every baby... It's that you shouldn't celebrate every baby with a baby shower where people are expected to bring you all new stuff. That's the part that's rude. Have a dinner party where you toast to your pregnancy, or a last girls day out before the baby arrives outing, or have a meet-the-baby party to show off the new little one... but don't call it a baby shower and expect gifts. Would you ever issue an invitation that says, "I'm pregnant again! And that accomplishment alone means that you should all change your plans for this one specific afternoon to come hang out and buy me more gifts"? -- I sincerely hope not, but that's what's happening with a second shower.
Edit: Fixed grammar.