Ok since the Creepers thread has been so much fun...I propose a GTKY to help us regs get to know the newbies and the newbies know us regs better!! Plus I just think they are fun. I'll even try to put in some CD related Qs.
1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet?
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies?
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
9.) Anything else you want to share?
Re: GTKY - Newbie Edition
St. Louis, Missouri
I've been with my husband for almost 5 years now. We met on okcupid when he bugged me to meet him persistently for 5 months. Finally I gave in when he said he was getting his first tattoo, but was too chicken to go into the building. It was 10 minutes from my house, so I called him a pansy and walked in with him. It's been love ever since. And he's still a pansy.
I have a 9 year old step-son, a 6 year old biological son from a previous marriage, and I'm 21 weeks pregnant with our first together. Both boys are the best of friends and are excited to train the new baby into being a video game nerd like they are.
I haven't gotten to use any and most of my stash is still being delivered or decided on. So far I only have my Rumparooz one size pockets and nothing to compare them to.
Tots Bots folk tale series is killing me with the cuteness! I adore most fairy tales and folk tales, so they really call to me.
I didn't start doing it to be green; I started because I'm cheap and have sensitive skin. I make my own lotion and lip balm. I use the same oils I use in those for washing and moisturizing my face. Come to find out that my lotion will be just about perfect for a cloth-diaper-safe butt cream.
I bathe twice a day. I just always do. I'm sure I use a zillion gallons of water I don't need to.
I hate stickers of any kind; price tags, band-aids, labels, tape. They all gross me out terribly. Glue is never a problem. Gum is disgusting and I feel it's slightly related to the sticker thing. If asked, I'd probably say my favorite food is butter. I hoard butter in my freezer like a crazy lady. If pressed for an actual food, it would be popcorn, pasta, or artichokes which are all my favorite butter delivery systems. I used to make crowns and bridges (teeth) for a living, but my husband got a promotion and I am now staying at home. I LOVED making teeth and was surprisingly good at it. I will probably go back to doing it after my new baby is in school full time. I will chime in on almost all tooth threads I see, not that I expect to see a lot on a cloth diaper board.
I like this board way more than the other boards on The Bump, including my birth month board. I've only been lurking for a couple months, but the knowledge and recommendations everyone has imparted has been super helpful in preparing me.
Also, does this count as an intro? I hate making intro posts.
SC, originally KY, then DC, now in SC to get my PhD.
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet?
I've been with DH 6 yrs, 5 dating and 1 yr married. We met in college in DC.
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies?
DD is 5 months next week. We would like more eventually but want a year or two in between each. We don't have a set number in mind yet.
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? During the day, BG 4.0 and GMD prefolds with Capri covers. Particularly my Albert print and Butterflies print, respectively. At night Sbish OBF with Thirsties duo wrap size 2.
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? More Sbish OBFs, they've been phenomenal at night. And Itti Bittis for the trimness.
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? You mean beyond CD'ing? I guess my gardening. We rent so we don't have anything fancy, but herbs are freaking expensive in store so I'm glad to grow them myself.
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? My GMC Envoy.
8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I've swam my entire life (high school and college competitively). I want a Shiba Inu one day. We don't have cable, so a lot of commercial references are lost on us ( we found this out last weekend DH parents visited).
9.) Anything else you want to share? I think the tooth fairy is overrated.
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
Albert print. I wants. I built almost our entire stash on BF sales and Albert didn't come up cheap enough. Very sad.
2) I majored in Math and Computer Science in college (but now own a bakery)
----End Quote---
I was a math major too!!! I bought my first Albert on BF. (A flip that I think is just meh.)
ETA @mapleme
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? We've been together for 7 years, we met at work (old jobs).
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? 8, 4, and 3 weeks. No more babies for us.
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My simplex's are my favorites.
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? More simplex's
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? CDing wins
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? None that I can think of.
8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I'm older than DH. We have one pet, a Siamese cat named Meezy. I had my tubes tied after this c-section.
9.) Anything else you want to share?
I love this board
Northern VA
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? 9.5 years, married for 2.5. Met in college at a bar
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies?12 SD and 3 month old DD
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My new purple flip. It's a fun color!
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Just got a bunch of covers, need next size of prefolds
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? CDs and gardening veggies I think!
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I'm mostly not green
8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I'm tall, I'm not a big animal fan, I like to take baths
9.) Anything else you want to share? I'm mostly a lurker but get so much help from this board. Thank you all!
-My step-daughter is 12 years old.
-BFP #1 on 9/2/12, D&C 10/18/12 no heartbeat on US @ 10 weeks.
-BFP #2 on 1/7/13, R was born on 9/22/13 via C-Section
1. I don't know how to roller skate. (I was a child of the 80's, so this is a big deal.)
2. I hate getting my socks wet. This was the first thing DH and I bonded over when we started dating.
3. Aside from trying to process meat, I think I would make a good pioneer woman.
2)My twin is expecting and I'm totally going to be her all the diapers, and accessories.
3)I like boxed wine.
2- I love avocados
3- I played Ultimate Frisbee in college
Let me think about it.
Multiple ectopics, 2 failed IVF's
IVF #1: Did not get to ET, embies all failed PGD (major chromosomal defects)
IVF #2: We have 2 chromosomally perfect embies as a result of PGD (Boy/Girl) 1 failed the thaw (Girl) Transferred 1, yet ended as a c/p
Thought it was the end of our TTC Journey 6/20/2012
SHOCK BFP 9/28/2012: IT'S A BOY! and everything is normal !!!!!!
Little A born 38w 2d on 05/23/13 and is a true miracle for this IF Vet!
1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
Lacey WA. Hometown Tenino, WA. Anyone know it??
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet?
3.5 yrs. His best friend, also my friend for years, set us up on blind date finally. We have been inseparable since that night.
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies?
One son, 3 months today.
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
His monkey diaper! Aio simplex I believe
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
I would like to build up a stash of hemp inserts right now...and bamboo. Instead of mf. That count??
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
We recycle?? We arent the best at being super green. One habit at a time...
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
Drive a car?
8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
I was an air conditioner mechanic in the army.
I could ride horses practically before I could walk.
I went to State in track and cross country and my main event was high hurdles.
9.) Anything else you want to share?
I like this board! Sorry I dont "show my face" a lot lately. I have started back to work and I dont bump as much now.
But I appreciate reading your threads ladies. Both for knowledge and recently entertainment! Lol
Pacific Northwest!
We were just friends for about two years, then dated for a year and a half, now married for a year and a half. We met at bible study through our church.
Bunny: 10.9.13
Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16
F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
Bunny: 10.9.13
Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16
F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) So.Fla
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? We've been together for 5 years, married for 3 years. We met summer 2008 at my birthday party that I was sharing with a friend whose birthday is a day after mine. He was there for her.
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? My LO is going to be 6 months this month. I want one more, but honestly I'm fine with just one baby.
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My BB cover! I love the snap inserts. So easy. I also love my BG Freetimes and the pocket Rumparooz OS.
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I don't think I know enough to be drooling over, but I do love BB and Kawaii right now.
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I would say I'm still a newb to going green since I'm just not starting to make changes around the house. I want to start composting soon!
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I also hate using vinegar to clean @SecretAgentKate! My husbands hates the smell and he annoys me too much when I use it so I stopped.
8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I love pink. My favorite past time is reading. I hate dogs even though I have one. He's the only one I like.
9.) Anything else you want to share? I'm becoming obsessed with cloth diapering and can't stop googling! No kidding, this is addicting indeed!
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I just bought 5 ,ore covers so now we have a stash of 8. We will see if I "need" more later.
Of course you'll "need" more diapers!!
8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 1. I used to ride horses and compete in hunter/jumper shows. 2. I recently discovered an enjoyment for counted cross-stitch. 3. I actually enjoy household chores, it's kind of sick.
I kind of like chores too. Except cleaning toilets. That makes me gag!
Ha ha ha! Only traitors pick a favorite!!!
2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? 3 yrs, married for 1.5 yrs, met on eharmony
3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? DD is 3 weeks, we want at least one more but I need to forget how much I hated being pregnant and the joys of labor.
4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Gmd workhorses and rumparooz covers
5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Really want to try BB's!
6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I am cheap as well as green so I have minimized what we have to buy by using cloth napkins, rags to clean, use tupperware instead of plastic bags, plastic wrap or foil, clean with only vinegar (other than toilet), cut up old t-shirts for cleaning wet wipes and use cut up t-shirts to take off makeup and nail polish, use packaging from bread, chips, tortillas or anything that comes in a fairly solid bag to use for cat box waste since it would be trash anyway.
7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I use bleach and paper towels for toilet, can't bring myself to wash a rag used on toilet.
8.) Name three random facts about yourself?I have been kissed by a grizzley bear, love all things antique and vintage so I buy all my furniture from thrift stores and vintage stores, love to be outside, gardening, camping, fishing, running with my dogs, and hiking.
9.) Anything else you want to share? I have been sewing since I was 12 but I don't enjoy it, I do it bc I'm cheap but like cute things and can't afford all the cute vintage stuff on etsy, so I buy vintage fabric when I find good deals and sew everything myself, I did siddaleighs entire nursery and made several wool covers, and flannel wipes recently.