Cloth Diapering

GTKY - Newbie Edition

Ok since the Creepers thread has been so much fun...I propose a GTKY to help us regs get to know the newbies and the newbies know us regs better!!  Plus I just think they are fun.  I'll even try to put in some CD related Qs.

1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)

2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?

3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?

4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?

5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?

6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?

7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?

8.) Name three random facts about yourself?

9.) Anything else you want to share?
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Re: GTKY - Newbie Edition

  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) Eastern Nebraska  (no not Alaksa @unaveragejane )

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? Been together for about 10 years.  Married 9.5.  My best friend met him through work and decided we needed to meet.  I was taking a big exam for work soon & didn't want to go out the night my friend wanted to set us up.  She had to beg me to go.  We hit it off right away, and the rest is history.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? DS1 is 8.  DS2 is 15 months.  We want one more.  Hoping to get KU in the next 9 months or so. 

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Tie between my new flats and my old standard AppleCheeks.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I keep hearing great things about Simplexes, but I'm not really an AIO girl.  So I haven't bought any.  I'm afraid I'll hate the dry time compared to my pockets, prefolds and flats.  I also LOVE the GMD workhorses I bought over BF.  Want more. 

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? We started gardening around 4 years ago.  We just keep expanding what we grow.  I love having fresh veggies and herbs all summer. 

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I drive a Toyota Rav4.  Not the most gas-guzzling SUV, but I could be doing better.  However, I love my AWD during Nebraska winters.  And it's so much easier to get LO in and out of a carseat than it would be a hybrid Camry that we looked at. 

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I had a 4.0 in college and over a 4.0 in HS.  I sent my first text a little over a year ago.  I worked in a music store all through college and PT early in my career days.  I loved it. (I also play the clarinet and a little guitar.)

    9.) Anything else you want to share?  I almost always get long-winded in my replies when it's a topic I'm excited about.  (Hello CDs!) But I do try to reign it in most of the time! :D

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  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) - DC/metro

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? 5 years, married 3.  We met at church

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? L - 4 weeks, definitely at least 1 more

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? I just have prefolds and covers - my favorite NB covers so far are my RAR Quinn, and Swaddlbees Giraffes 

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? lots!!

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?I guess CDing - I'm only partly crunchy :-p

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I love my SUV, and wouldn't trade it for anything!

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 
    - I played in an Alan Parsons Project concert
    - I haven't seen Star Wars (refuse to watch it now, just so I can say this!)
    - I was an extra in an episode of Unsolved Mysteries that was filmed across the street from my house when I was little

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I'm sure I'll think of something
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  • 1.) Where are you from? West Michigan

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? We've been together for 6 years, married for 2.5.  We worked together at a home improvement store.  I was a cashier and he was working in contractor sales.  He came through my line and asked me if I wanted some pistachios that he was buying.  I told him I'd never had them and he left some on my counter and told me he'd be back later to see what I thought of them.  When I was on break later that day, he came over and asked me out.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? DD is 10 months.  We want one more and will start actively trying later this summer.  For now we are NTNP.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? I love my BG 4.0s, but recently have started to branch out into the land of fitteds and prefolds.  I have three TT dipes and just bought another one yesterday, and I bought two Blueberry coveralls during the clearance sale and got a RaR cover for Christmas.  Loving the tri-folded prefold in a cover simplicity!

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? All Twinkie Tush haha.  I would also like a Simplex.

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I have big dreams, but for now, CD is about as green as I've gotten.  Plan to start using vinegar for cleaning soon.  And I'm not sure how "green" this technically is, but we're also starting to eat cleaner/more organic.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I'm going to be honest and say I love DD's plastic, loud, noise-making toys.  They make her so happy.  And keep her occupied so I can actually get things done around the house.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I love cats.  If I didn't have DH and DD I'd totally be a spinster crazy cat lady.  Good thing I have him to reign me in.  I'm a nurse, but I HATE vomit.  Like it makes me gag if I have to smell it or deal with it.  It was one of my biggest fears when I was pregnant.  I only threw up once during my whole pregnancy, thank goodness!  I would give my arm or leg to be a SAHM.  I want that more than anything in the world.  I still cry sometimes when I have to leave DD to go to work.  I work 12 hours on nights and I'm about to leave for work in 10 minutes.  Ugh.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I intro'd a few weeks back, but still mostly lurk.  I mostly bump on my nook and it's a PITA to try to type on.  Love this board!!

    Erin-30.  Dealing with severe endo. 
    Married to DH-29.  Possible low sperm count/low motility.
    Harper-born 2/28/13
    TTC #2 for 21 months and counting...after 2 laps/HSGs and 9 rounds of clomid, next step, consult with RE.
  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) Seattle

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    13.5 years.  Married 5 years.  He was my upstairs neighbor in college.  I was seeing someone else when we met.  That guy asked about my "friend" (DH) and I told him I just never get tired of hanging out with him :)  We got together shortly after that. 

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    7.5 months.  I would like one more, but I need to convince DH about that.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
    I'm loving the teal chevron from Nicki's Diapers.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    Jungle Jam OS Simplex

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    We have a really good waste management system in my area so almost everything is composted or recycled.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
    We race cars (autocrossing) in the summer.  I haven't been racing since I was 5 weeks pregnant, but DH is still really into it.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    I've lived in the same state my whole life and couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
    We have three cats named Vlad, Nadya, and Sophie.  It was so much easier to name the cats than DS.
    I have a PhD in forest soil nutrition.

    9.) Anything else you want to share?
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  • @CLLDLL - I think you say Nebraska just to throw us off from finding you in Alaska. :p And Simplexes take about as long to dry as a prefold IMO due to the way they are sewn. I'll fill in the GTKY later when I have more time.


  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    Together 11 years, married for 5.5 years. We taught at the same school our first year out of college, and he took pity on me while waiting for a bus on a rainy day. Turned out we had the same nerdy interests.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? My son is 3 weeks old. I want at least 2 more babies, but don't think my husband will agree.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? We only have prefolds and flats. I love my Rumparoo covers.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Bummis Super Whisper Wrap in Froggy

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I've only used more natural cleaners, such as Mrs. Meyers and 7th Generation for the last 3 years at home and at work. My students now prefer the nice smelling gentle cleaners, and some parents have switched.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I stocked up on paper plates and red plastic cups while pregnant. While on bedrest at the end of pregnancy and while recovering from birth, this saved my husband a lot of work.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 1) I just finished an MA in reading last year but am choosing to be a SAHM for now. 2) I get along with most people but don't have a BFF. 3) I hope to become a domestic goddess in the next year and convince my husband its best for me to stay home long term :)

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I mostly bump from my first generation iPad, which is a complete PITA.
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

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  • 1.) Where are you from?
    SC, originally KY, then DC, now in SC to get my PhD.

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    I've been with DH 6 yrs, 5 dating and 1 yr married. We met in college in DC.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    DD is 5 months next week. We would like more eventually but want a year or two in between each. We don't have a set number in mind yet.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? During the day, BG 4.0 and GMD prefolds with Capri covers. Particularly my Albert print and Butterflies print, respectively. At night Sbish OBF with Thirsties duo wrap size 2.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? More Sbish OBFs, they've been phenomenal at night. And Itti Bittis for the trimness.

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? You mean beyond CD'ing? I guess my gardening. We rent so we don't have anything fancy, but herbs are freaking expensive in store so I'm glad to grow them myself.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? My GMC Envoy.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I've swam my entire life (high school and college competitively). I want a Shiba Inu one day. We don't have cable, so a lot of commercial references are lost on us ( we found this out last weekend DH parents visited).

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I think the tooth fairy is overrated.

    edited January 2014

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    Albert print. I wants. I built almost our entire stash on BF sales and Albert didn't come up cheap enough. Very sad.

    2) I majored in Math and Computer Science in college (but now own a bakery)

    ----End Quote---

    I was a math major too!!! I bought my first Albert on BF. (A flip that I think is just meh.)

    ETA @mapleme
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  • 1.) Where are you from? The south suburbs of Chicago.

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? We've been together for 7 years, we met at work (old jobs).

    3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? 8, 4, and 3 weeks. No more babies for us.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My simplex's are my favorites.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? More simplex's

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? CDing wins

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? None that I can think of.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I'm older than DH. We have one pet, a Siamese cat named Meezy. I had my tubes tied after this c-section.

    9.) Anything else you want to share?
    I love this board
      Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersimage
  • CLLDLL said:
    Ok since the Creepers thread has been so much fun...I propose a GTKY to help us regs get to know the newbies and the newbies know us regs better!!  Plus I just think they are fun.  I'll even try to put in some CD related Qs.

    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
    Southern PA...think Amish Country
    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    We met at college and have been together for 10 years, married for 7.
    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    4 year old girl, 2 year old boy, 4 day old girl. I need to recover from this birth before we discuss having more kiddos

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
    We've only been doing CDs for 2 days, and the Grovia NB AIO fit her best so far.
    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    More Grovia :) I love the regular AIOs, too.
    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    The greenest thing we do is CD. I love it though.
    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    I played the bassoon in high school
    I'm a pastor's wife
    I'm legally blind
    9.) Anything else you want to share?






  • RrrrrachelRrrrrachel member
    edited January 2014
    I was a math major, too! I taught hs math for 8 years before my daughter was born and I still teach a little online and write curriculum, sometimes. 

     1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) North Carolina 

     2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? Ten years? I think that's right. We met in college, I was an undergrad and he was a grad student and we worked at the same lort theater (he had an assistantship and I had work study) 

     3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? My daughter is two and a half and baby due in April. I'm not sure if this is it or not. 

     4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? I haven't used mine in awhile so it's hard to say. I love my grovia aio but they're kind of worn out. I looooove all my newborn size diapers, especially the little fitteds. 

     5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Those gorgeous wool ones someone posted the other day. I don't remember the label name now but they were tdf. 

     6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? We do the same stuff most of y'all do, try to use green products, etc. we buy a lot of our food locally and we have back yard chickens. We live in a tiny house and I'll attribute that towards a desire to be green rather than poor money management to make myself feel better :) 

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I buy name brand Cheerios. My sister is horrified because they contain gmos. 

     8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I'm a twin, she has a little boy six months younger than my daughter and my son will be about two months younger than her daughter, and I have four dogs. 

     9.) Anything else you want to share? I think you guys are nifty. This board is just active and friendly enough to feel comfy, to me.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My mom (who is super crunchy and chemical adverse to the extreme) made a lot of noise about hating cloth diapers and refusing to use them, but in the end she used them and seemed fine with it, so there's hope!
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • CLLDLL said:
    Ok since the Creepers thread has been so much fun...I propose a GTKY to help us regs get to know the newbies and the newbies know us regs better!!  Plus I just think they are fun.  I'll even try to put in some CD related Qs.

    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) From Northern MI (where we got shit tons of lake effect snow), now live in Metro Detroit area

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? Together 8 years, married for 2. Met in college (MSU- go Spartans!)

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? 6 mo old. Yes, we want more. DH was an only child and hated it. I have 2 sisters and love it, so we definitely want our daughter to have at least one sibling.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My Best Bottoms!

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Probably TT's

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? We recycle tons, and actually have minimal garbage bags compared to how much we put in our recycling bins. We also frequent farmers' markets and shop local when we can.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I keep my central heat pretty warm and don't give a f*ck. I grew up with a wood stove that kept our northern MI house toasty. There's no way in hell I'm going to freeze throughout Michigan winters when I've never had to before.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I work with children, but have a horribly vulgar mouth at home (my New Years resolution is to stop swearing, because I'm too educated to have the trashy, potty-mouthed kid in school, dammit), I love to cook, but hate to bake because I'm too impatient and lazy to follow exact instructions which baking requires, my extended family is huge and I'm half-Polish, half-Czech.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I adore this board and spend most of, well, all of, my bump time here. My BMB was clicky and bitchy, and I don't play those games. It's the Internet, people, not high school. And this is coming from a girl who was popular in high school and was homecoming queen (only because I was a big fish in a small town pond and I wasn't a complete asshole, like the rest of the "cool kids" and jocks).



  • 1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
    Northern VA

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? 9.5 years, married for 2.5. Met in college at a bar

    3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies?12 SD and 3 month old DD

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My new purple flip. It's a fun color!

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Just got a bunch of covers, need next size of prefolds

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? CDs and gardening veggies I think!

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I'm mostly not green :(

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I'm tall, I'm not a big animal fan, I like to take baths

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I'm mostly a lurker but get so much help from this board. Thank you all!


    -My step-daughter is 12 years old.

    -BFP #1 on 9/2/12, D&C 10/18/12 no heartbeat on US @ 10 weeks.

    -BFP #2 on 1/7/13, R was born on 9/22/13 via C-Section

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) a place so far south and backwoods that you nearly need a passport to get here (but I love it)

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? together 12 years; married for 8

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? DS is 18 months and we are due with another in July. If we have any more, it will be through adoption. I am not good at babies.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Simplex in Elephants

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I kinda want a BG in Jules, even though I hate the fit of BG on DS right now.

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? Cleaning more with vinegar.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I use makeup wipes in the winter instead of washing my face b/c the tap water is so dang cold. Considering I only wear makeup about 2x a week, I figure the earth will survive.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    1. I don't know how to roller skate. (I was a child of the 80's, so this is a big deal.)
    2. I hate getting my socks wet. This was the first thing DH and I bonded over when we started dating.
    3. Aside from trying to process meat, I think I would make a good pioneer woman.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? For the record, it is driving me nuts that I can't get my signature to center. I finally decided to try to be happy that the crazy coding stuff stopped showing up, but I cringe a little every time I see the asymmetry of it.


  • Please forgive me, this is all going to be one huge paragraph due to bumping on my iPad. 1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) I am from Bellevue, WA (just outside Seattle), but I currently live in Spokane, WA. 2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? I have been with DH for 5 years, married for 3 of those. We met in fourth grade when he started attending the same Cub Scout Pack my brother was a part of. We went to the same middle and high school, though we did not date until we were seniors. 3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? We have one DD who is 6 weeks old on Monday. And yes we want more! (If I get my way I want 3 more!) :D 4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? I love our Flip covers and prefolds! It is all we have but for now I think this will be all we will use. 5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I just bought 5 ,ore covers so now we have a stash of 8. We will see if I "need" more later. ;) 6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I'm most proud that we are CD. I made up my mind that we were going to do it and everyone I told looked at me weird. But here I am day 4 successful CD! 7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I don't feel bad that we use disposable wipes. I like how convenient they are. 8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 1. I used to ride horses and compete in hunter/jumper shows. 2. I recently discovered an enjoyment for counted cross-stitch. 3. I actually enjoy household chores, it's kind of sick. :D 9.) Anything else you want to share? I am really enjoying motherhood and I am excited that there are internet strangers I can share that with! Because I'm sure my husband gets sick of talking about it all the time. :D
  • littleredfishlittleredfish member
    edited January 2014

    1.) Where are you from?  From Quebec, posted in Ontario

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Been together 5 1/2 years, married for 2 1/2. We met through a mutual friend we had through college while I was still in college, but he had graduated and joined the military.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? DD is 19 months. We definitely want more and would have tried for this year but DH is going to be away for most of the year for training, and I just got a promotion so it's just bad baby making timing :(

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Looks-wise my newest embroidered pocket from Ella Bella Bum. It's of a gnome riding a unicorn over a rainbow carrying a lawn flamingo wand. It's epic. Functionality wise, any of my Alvas, they are just my good ol' comfort zone go to's when I don't need to think too much about what I'm putting on her butt.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I'm really getting into EBBs. Her prints are ridiculously cute, though more than my cheap self is normally willing to pay. I stalk her website and FB page almost daily for sales.

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I wouldn't say I'm SUPER green, but I'd like to think I'm getting there. I'm most proud of my un-paper towels.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? Toilet paper. I'd like to try to convince myself to do cloth, but I haven't really felt the need to care THAT much yet.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I have a wicked temper. People think I'm a shy introvert while I'm just happy to be by myself and am actually very social when I do put myself in social situations. I'm kind of obsessed with cats.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I really only post/reply/lurk on here and my BMB because while I like to check the boards notorious for drama when I'm especially bored, I really can't handle that on a regular basis; my job is dramatic enough.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • 1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) 
    Lincoln, ne

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? 
    8yrs total and 6yrs married. We met in 3rd grade.

    3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? 
    L is 5, J is 2, and A is 2 weeks. We are done having kids, but may foster and/or adopt when the kids are older. 

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? 
    For both boys I love my NB and medium simplex. 

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    I'm dying for a Batman TT. 

     6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    I make all of my own cleaning products as well as most of my personal products. 

     7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? 
    I eat out more than I should. 

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 
    I've been dancing for 22 years.
    I've never been out of the Midwest.
    I once crocheted a king size afghan. 

     9.) Anything else you want to share?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
    Central IL
    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    5+ years, I met him when I dated his roommate, yes scandulous
    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    My baby is 2.5 months
    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
    Thirsties duo size one
    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    Depends on the day, but all, I must have all the diapers!
    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    Most of my tupperware is now glass
    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    1)Screen name is from when messengers would only allow you to have 8 characters. So it's not really misspelled.
    2)My twin is expecting and I'm totally going to be her all the diapers, and accessories.
    3)I like boxed wine.

    9.) Anything else you want to share?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Tickerimage

  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
    SW PA

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    20 months, on the fence about more.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    the Twinkie Tush that just arrived in the mail!

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    We sold our cars during our last move and now rely on walking and transit. We joined Zipcar and occasionally rent a car for vacation.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
    I'm an omnivore and not at all a locavore.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    1- I'm a middle child
    2- I love avocados
    3- I played Ultimate Frisbee in college

    9.) Anything else you want to share?
    Let me think about it.

  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)

    Ontario, Canada

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?

    We have been together for five years. We are both teachers and we met at school.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?

    Our first is 4 months. We want more and sometimes I think we want another one soon. Then I realize we haven't slept in 4 months.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?

    My RaR that I was gifted during our bmb secret Santa. I like my BG 4.0 for night time. They are a perfect fit right now.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?

    More BG so I can collect all of the colours.

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?

    We are part of a food co-op where we only eat local organic food.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?

    I really want to go plastic free- it is just so hard. I always forget my reusable straw at home.

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  • 1. OKC 2. Together 9 years and married 4.5; DH (from OK) and I (from Houston) met in 6th grade. He was best friends with my cousin. I didn't see him again until I was a senior in HS and came to tour OU. 3. DS1 will be 3 in February and have DS2 due mid May. I think we might have one or two more. 4. I'm really excited about my BBs especially since they seem to get a lot of love here. 5. I want ALL.THE.DIAPERS! Especially drooling over The Charlie print. 6. DH built our house, so we did a few upgrades like spray foam insulation. We also have a electric vehicle (glorified golf cart...) that we use around town. 7. Probably just about everything else. Love reading posts about that stuff and hopefully will be able to make more small changes that fit our family's needs. 8. Graduated college at 20 with a BA in Journalism (Public Relations) and minor in Classics. Only one in my family with fair skin, freckles, light brown hair and blue eyes. My parents and sister have tan skin and dark hair and brown eyes. And the one that trips up most people, I didn't have to change my last name when I got married because DH and I have the same one. I'm too lazy to check and see if we are blood relations, but I did start to wonder when DS came out with three eyes ;)
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  • LittleLady77LittleLady77 member
    edited January 2014
    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) Bay Area, California (Super crunchy land)

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? We will celebrate our 5 year anniversary right around the time we will have our kids.  We met on

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? Due in April but will probably come in March

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? I haven't tried any of them but I love the print on one of my BG freetimes

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I'm about to participate in a custom Happy Flute AIO buy via a co-op and there are a ton I want but I need to limit myself!

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I drove an electric car for a year. I grow tons of my own fruits, veggies and herbs. I got hubby to recycle (more difficult than it sounds). I mostly clean with lemon, vinegar, baking soda and water.  Lots of things.  

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I drive a luxury (AKA terrible gas mileage) SUV now and I love it

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I know how to fire dance. I woke up from a comma when I was 15. My husband tried to be a model for years... I tease him about it all the time.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) North Chicago suburbs

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? Been together for 5 years, married 2.5. 

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? DS is 9.5mo, and #2 is due in early September. We are open to more, but in reality, it's a matter of if we can afford more. 

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? We use mainly prefolds, but I'm loving the Monsters coverall we just got from the seconds sale. 

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? All of them. Except the TrendyBums.

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? CDing? I don't know if I'm proud to be doing any of the "green" things. It's more that we are cheap. CD, mama cloth, kitchen cloth, EBF are all cheap.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? Uhm.... I have no idea....

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I can play all woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments (I teach them all...). I worked in a coffee shop all through college, and can make all those fancy coffee drinks. I am sometimes sad I can't make them at home though. I hate sloppy joes and meatloaf.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I cannot for the life of me fix my freakin' siggy....
  • Roxie5739Roxie5739 member
    edited January 2014
    1.) Where are you from? Los Angeles but originally from Australia. I have been here for 8 years and became a citizen a few months ago 2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? 8 years officially, married 5 years. We met in Greece in 1998, kept in contact and did the long distance thing for a while before I moved to the States 3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? 7 months. We are one and one, see siggy. My LO was a pure miracle 4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Simplex, TB's and RaR's 5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? None, I have far too many for one child and an only child. No more shopping for me! 6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I did the no Poo thing for a while. I make my own orange cleaner with vinegar and the oranges from our tree and we have our own garden of vege's and fruit trees. 7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I brought a regular old gas car a few months ago. I would love to get a Tesla but out of my price range. 8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I used to put a tampon in my bra for the next change..... until it fell out at a social gathering....... I was born without the 2 teeth next to my 2 front teeth, now have falsies. I have varicose veins in one leg and never wear shorts or skirts for that reason 9.) Anything else you want to share? Love this board. No snarkiness like other boards (unless it is warranted!!)

    Multiple ectopics, 2 failed IVF's
    IVF #1: Did not get to ET, embies all failed PGD (major chromosomal defects)
    IVF #2: We have 2 chromosomally perfect embies as a result of PGD (Boy/Girl) 1 failed the thaw (Girl) Transferred 1, yet ended as a c/p
    Thought it was the end of our TTC Journey 6/20/2012
    SHOCK BFP 9/28/2012: IT'S A BOY! and everything is normal !!!!!!

    Little A born 38w 2d on 05/23/13 and is a true miracle for this IF Vet!



  • 1.) Where are you from? (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) Kansas 2.) How long have you been with DH/SO? Where and how did you meet? 7 years. I live in a small town, so you pretty much know everyone. We were introduced by friends when I was new to town. 3.) How old are your LOs? Do you want any more babies? 21 months. 6 weeks prego and would love to have 3 total but dh is older than me so we will see 4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Swaddlebee simplex monkeys. Because lo makes monkey sounds when we get it out. 5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Teeny tiney new born diapers. We didn't start successfully using cloth until Waylon was about 4 month old. We started with diapers and those suck. 6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I recycle everything I can (most people in small town Kansas don't really care much). Also use unpaper for > 1 year and we love them. 7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? It's cold and I let my car run to warm up and when running shirt errands. 8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I like to do things people tell me I can't I have a miniature schnauzer who was the center of my world, then I had a kid. Poor dog. I do a lot of reading on this board but rarely post. 9.) Anything else you want to share?
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  • 1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)

    Lacey WA. Hometown Tenino, WA. Anyone know it?? :)

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    3.5 yrs. His best friend, also my friend for years, set us up on blind date finally. We have been inseparable since that night.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    One son, 3 months today. :) would like one more in a couple years.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
    His monkey diaper! Aio simplex I believe

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    I would like to build up a stash of hemp inserts right now...and bamboo. Instead of mf. That count??

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    We recycle?? We arent the best at being super green. One habit at a time...

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
    Drive a car?

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    I was an air conditioner mechanic in the army.
    I could ride horses practically before I could walk.
    I went to State in track and cross country and my main event was high hurdles.

    9.) Anything else you want to share?

    I like this board! Sorry I dont "show my face" a lot lately. I have started back to work and I dont bump as much now.
    But I appreciate reading your threads ladies. Both for knowledge and recently entertainment! Lol

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is great! I've been creepin' for awhile but haven't posted yet. I'm really active in S13 and I'm just starting my CDing journey! :-h

    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
    Pacific Northwest!

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    We were just friends for about two years, then dated for a year and a half, now married for a year and a half. We met at bible study through our church.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    Just one baby, three months old. He's crazy cute. ;) We definitely want more, we like big families. :) We'll probably have a couple more then foster and adopt.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
    I just started out, but I'm really liking my GroVias. I've only tried a few different kinds though.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    Um, all of them! The amount of adorable diapers out there is insane and a little overwhelming and I told DH today to be worried about my spending once I figure out exactly what kind of CDs I like... >:)

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    CDing, definitely, and we're pretty into recycling and upcycling. And before I had Caleb, I biked way more than I drove.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
    Hmm... I take looong showers. But I don't shower every single day so maybe it evens out?

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    a. I'm passionate about fostering and adopting kids. It breaks my heart to think about children whose parents can't or won't take care of them, bouncing around from home to home, never feeling like they belong anywhere. If I had to choose between giving birth and adopting, I would definitely choose adoption.
    b. I'm really into board games and card games.
    c. I would be happy living on candy, shortbread cookies, and milk. True story. Add in some pizza every once in awhile and I'd be set.
    Married: 8.5.12
    Bunny: 10.9.13
    Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16

    F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
    Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
    image  image


  • Married: 8.5.12
    Bunny: 10.9.13
    Jellybean #2 Due: 2.1.16

    F16 July Siggy Challenge: Favorite Summer Activity
    Hiking and Baseball Games with the Fam
    image  image


  • This content has been removed.
  • So, I never did a formal intro.. will this count? 
    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) So.Fla
    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? We've been together for 5 years, married for 3 years. We met summer 2008 at my birthday party that I was sharing with a friend whose birthday is a day after mine. He was there for her. 
    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? My LO is going to be 6 months this month. I want one more, but honestly I'm fine with just one baby.
    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? My BB cover! I love the snap inserts. So easy. I also love my BG Freetimes and the pocket Rumparooz OS.
    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I don't think I know enough to be drooling over, but I do love BB and Kawaii right now. 
    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I would say I'm still a newb to going green since I'm just not starting to make changes around the house. I want to start composting soon! 
    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I also hate using vinegar to clean @SecretAgentKate! My husbands hates the smell and he annoys me too much when I use it so I stopped.
    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? I love pink. My favorite past time is reading. I hate dogs even though I have one. He's the only one I like. 
    9.) Anything else you want to share? I'm becoming obsessed with cloth diapering and can't stop googling! No kidding, this is addicting indeed! 
    Oct. 2012: Clomid + Ovidrel = Baby A born 07.17.13 at 38 wks! 
    TTC #2 since Jan. 2014
    BFP#1 02/26/14 CP 02/28/14
    BFP#2 03/23/14 Stick Baby Stick!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Maternity tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @dreamingmommy4

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I just bought 5 ,ore covers so now we have a stash of 8. We will see if I "need" more later. ;)

    Of course you'll "need" more diapers!! =)

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 1. I used to ride horses and compete in hunter/jumper shows. 2. I recently discovered an enjoyment for counted cross-stitch. 3. I actually enjoy household chores, it's kind of sick. :D

    I kind of like chores too. Except cleaning toilets. That makes me gag!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • @secretagentkate

    Ha ha ha! Only traitors pick a favorite!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image imageimageimage

  • .

    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)
    Far northern suburbs of Chicago

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet?
    4 years...Married for a little over a year.

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies?
    4 Months. I want 2 more, DH wants 1

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash?
    All my TwinkieTush diapers. I've become addicted. But LO wears prefolds like 98% of the time.

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over?
    Just more Twinkie Tush

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?
    Cloth diapering for sure. I recycle a lot? We also have a compost bin

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about?
    Drive my jeep. Although I have a love hate relationship with it because I had and Xterra before and LOVED it. This car just seems sooooo small

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?
    I lived in Australia for a little over 2 years. Oh how I miss it so much.

    I have 3 dogs and 2 cats. Which is way downsized from what I've had in the past (flying squirrel, geckos, iguanas, poison dart frogs, ferrets, hamsters, etc)

    I met DH on I recognized someone in the background of his profile pic as someone 
    I went to high school with. Turns out that guy was married to DH's cousin who I also went to high school with. And DH's aunt (the cousin's mom) was also my girl scout leader. Small world

    9.) Anything else you want to share?
    I never knew that CDing would be so damn addictive! :)

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  • ) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK)central coast, ca

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? 3 yrs, married for 1.5 yrs, met on eharmony

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? DD is 3 weeks, we want at least one more but I need to forget how much I hated being pregnant and the joys of labor.

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? Gmd workhorses and rumparooz covers

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? Really want to try BB's!

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"? I am cheap as well as green so I have minimized what we have to buy by using cloth napkins, rags to clean, use tupperware instead of plastic bags, plastic wrap or foil, clean with only vinegar (other than toilet), cut up old t-shirts for cleaning wet wipes and use cut up t-shirts to take off makeup and nail polish, use packaging from bread, chips, tortillas or anything that comes in a fairly solid bag to use for cat box waste since it would be trash anyway.

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I use bleach and paper towels for toilet, can't bring myself to wash a rag used on toilet.

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?I have been kissed by a grizzley bear, love all things antique and vintage so I buy all my furniture from thrift stores and vintage stores, love to be outside, gardening, camping, fishing, running with my dogs, and hiking.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I have been sewing since I was 12 but I don't enjoy it, I do it bc I'm cheap but like cute things and can't afford all the cute vintage stuff on etsy, so I buy vintage fabric when I find good deals and sew everything myself, I did siddaleighs entire nursery and made several wool covers, and flannel wipes recently.
  • JEPES1348 said:

    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) From Northern MI (where we got shit tons of lake effect snow), now live in Metro Detroit area

    @jepes1348 - where are you from (if you don't mind sharing)?  I'm originally from "almost as far north as you can, and still be a troll" and went to school 5 hours north of that!
  • bookitup said:
    ovenrack said:
    8.) Name three random facts about yourself?  I love toast and jam, we have two cats (Walter and Patrice) but I grew up with dogs and want one some day, and we still don't have a name for this baby.
    I love the names of your pets!! We have a dog named Walter, we call him Wally. And Patrice -- so regal! Love it! :)
    Cute names! Our dog is named Whiskey Heart Alexander! Heart was his name when he was born so we kept it an we just like whiskey in this house and then Alexander was thrown in to make it longer. Hah! 
    Oct. 2012: Clomid + Ovidrel = Baby A born 07.17.13 at 38 wks! 
    TTC #2 since Jan. 2014
    BFP#1 02/26/14 CP 02/28/14
    BFP#2 03/23/14 Stick Baby Stick!
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    Lilypie Maternity tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • MandmeeshMandmeesh member
    edited January 2014
    CLLDLL said:
    Ok since the Creepers thread has been so much fun...I propose a GTKY to help us regs get to know the newbies and the newbies know us regs better!!  Plus I just think they are fun.  I'll even try to put in some CD related Qs.

    1.) Where are you from?  (General area is fine if you feel the need to be all secretive! ITK) Eastern Pennsylvania.  Originally from Long Island, school at UNC-Wilmington.  I'm a New Yorker at heart and hope we make it back there soon.

    2.) How long have you been with DH/SO?  Where and how did you meet? We've been together for….ever. lol.  We moved in together in 2004, dated for three years before that.  And I've known him for 22 years.  When we were kids, I remember our arms linked while we were on the swings together and he looked at me (he 9 years old at the time) and said "Look! We're married now"  :-&  haha.  We've been married since May 2010

    3.) How old are your LOs?  Do you want any more babies? M is going to be 9 months old this month.  Yes we want more!!!!!!  But no time frame yet.  We're really trying to enjoy our first little squish right now

    4.) What's your current favorite diaper in your stash? ummmm, LOVE my BB covers and pfs.  Also love the BG Irwin and Lovelace.  They're new prints to me, and they're awesome

    5.) Any diapers you are currently drooling over? I was drooling over Lovelace, but I snatched it up :)

    6.) Since we're a pretty green board, what's something you're most proud of doing to be "green"?  We now have unpaper towels!  Made from luxurious OBV and backed with awesome Michael Miller flannel.  I'm in love

    7.) Anything non-green that you do and don't feel guilty about? I freaking love Starbucks coffee.  Not all of their beans are fair-trade and some poor schlep is over in Africa of South America breaking their back to pick beans for my coffee…but it's okay.  The coffee is amazing and I drink tons of it a day.  I'm totally snooty if someone offers me coffee.  I ask "Is it Starbucks?" like a horrible person.  If it's not, I'll pass

    8.) Name three random facts about yourself? 
    1. I graduated high school in three years.
    2. I love love love horses, but haven't ridden or been to a barn in years :( 
    3. My goal is to someday have a milk cow and chickens and a nice garden plot so we can frequent the grocery store as little as possible.

    9.) Anything else you want to share? I'm super proud that i finally got our unpaper towels made.  It only took two weeks! I have two more sets to make for my sisters and then I have more to make for our house.

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