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Auntie--random question #4738298475 about autism. Lol

So yesterday we went to our pedi for ds's four year check up--the first time since we seen her post dx. Dd took the stethoscope before the doctor could check Ds's heartbeat and was hamming it up checking everyone's heartbeat. The doctor was fascinated and said she never saw an autistic child pretend play like that. I understand why children with autism tend to play repetitively and get stuck on moving parts but why is it so unusual for a child with autism to pretend play? Even the neurodevelopmental pedi said she was the first child she's ever diagnosed with such developed pretend play skills.
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Re: Auntie--random question #4738298475 about autism. Lol

  • Oh, I wasn't really surprised that the pedi was confused. I realize most kids with as subtle a presentation may not have lunatic parents who pushed for a million specialists to see their kid. Lol. Even her neurodevelopmental pedi was fascinated by her at play--she really does pretend play with a wide variety of objects completely unscripted. I was just unsure what it is about pretend play that makes it so unusual to see from a child on spectrum.
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