You know that feeling when we find out someone else is pregnant? The saying “Happy for you, but sorry for me” feeling? Lately this is all I’ve been feeling- sorry for myself. It’s not even when a fertile announces a pregnancy, but instead it is more than once a day. I have so much anger- and so much pity for myself. I find myself constantly comparing my struggle to others- which leads to the whole “Happy for you, sorry for me” feeling. Whenever I read about someone’s protocol using injectables- I’m happy for them because this will greatly improve their chances and sorry for me because there is little to improve my chances. When I hear about having 6, 7, 10, 20+ follicles during a cycle, there is that feeling again. And when eggs are mature, embryos turn into blast and are frozen for use some other time- I think, “wow” that will never be me. The odd thing is- I still think somehow, I’ll become pregnant- I have to become pregnant- I just don’t know how.
DH has already given up on using his own sperm since we haven’t had much luck and he’s done with the surgeries (2 TESE & 2 MESE). I know my next step is going the donor egg route, which has been a struggle for me for a while. But knowing my DH is already out- the decision is well- there is a lot to grieve.
I hate that I’ve read every published article on my condition, 3 medical textbook chapters, had 4 conversations with my RE and I still feel like I know nothing about it. I hate that ‘supposedly’ I can get pregnant without IVF- just not with my DH- and I hate even more that my DH can be a genetic father using IVF- just not with me. I know IF is unfair- it sucks- and I’ve never hated anything so much… I just also hate the negative person it’s made me. I’ve tried so hard to be positive and supportive- but it’s getting harder and harder.
TTC Since 12/2008; DH: 32, Azoospermia me: 33, DX during IVF #4: Low AMH (Normal FSH) / SER due
to IVF Meds (causing failure to fertilize) Recent DX: Hashimoto's, Lupus Anticoagulant, White Blood Cell Disorder
High ANA, ATA, & APA, PAI-1 Heterozygous= blood clotting disorder; connective tissue disorder
IVF w/ ICSI #1 2/2011 IVF w/ ICSI #2 5/2011 IVF w/ ICSI #3 12/2012 *New RE* IVF w/ ICSI #4 5/2013
IVF w/ ICSI #5 8/2013 (Natural Cycle- No drugs)- One follicle->one blast. CCS normal. FET 9/10- 6BB blast. m/c @ 5w
IUI #1 12/23- BFN IUI #2 Cancelled (ovulated during AF) Prep:CoQ10 (300 mg); DHEA (25 mg); Melatonin (3 mg), Folgard 2.2, Metformin 500 2x, Levothyroxine 50mcg, Aspirin 81mg w/ calcium, B12, Vit. D 4000 & Prenate Elite Daily; Cabergoline 1/2 pill 2x week- Cycling: Estrace Priming; Prednisone 10mg, Lovenox 40mg 2x, Femera & Menopur
IUI #2.1 6/30 & 7/1. 1st Beta: 90 (7/15); 2nd Beta: 226 (7/17); 3rd Beta: 766 EDD: 3/23/2015
Re: Pity Party for One (vent)
DX: Adenomyosis, Compounded MTHFR, PAI-1 4G variant
DH: 34
MFI due to Testicular Cancer
Married March 2012
10 little polar bears
FET #1 with 2 polar bears ~Nov 6, 2013 BFN
FET # 2 with 2 more polar bears ~March 19, 2014 BFP!!!
Beta 1= 276
Beta 2= 662
4/19/14 ~ baby A became an angel
5/02/14 ~ baby B became an angel
5/3/14 ~ D&C
FET #3 with 1 male polar bear ~October 3, 2014
October 13, 2014 ~ BFN
Fur Children: Memphis 3y, Dutch 3y, Marcel 2y, Meadow 1y
January 2015 Siggy Challenge TTCAL
Animals Interacting with Snow
Retrieval 9/11/2013 - 31 eggs, 17 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen
I am so sorry that you are going through this and I am sending you a big hug.
I can't imagine exactly what you are going through, but I do understand the "Happy for you, sorry for me" moments. After IVF #1 I would congratulate posters on having 10 or 15 eggs retrieved and all I could think about is that we got 6. After IVF #2 I would see people post the question about SET or double transfer or see someone post about having frosties and think that we never got that choice because we only had one embryo make it to blast.
I've thrown lots of pity parties for myself (one even ended with too much alcohol and a major hangover) over the last few months, but I do know that I am not ready to give up. If that means changing our plans, I will do it. It will be hard, but I will do it.
Take care of yourself right now and don't worry about being positive or supportive. Do what you need to do for you. You can go back to being positive and supportive when you are ready.
TTC #1 since August 2011
My Blog
September 2012: Start IF testing
DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA
October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos
November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues. Converted to freeze all due to lining issues. 2 blasts frozen on day 6!
January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues
April 2015: FET #2.1
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
IVF #1: ER 1/23/13- 4 eggs retrieved, 3 eggs fertilized; ET with 1 embryo 1/28/13 2 frosties beta #1 2/5 was 4.8- beta #2 2/7 3.5; BFN
FET #1- transferred one beautiful 4AA embie. Praying this is my take home baby. Beta 5/7/13- BFFN!!!
IVF #2: ER 7/17/13: 6R/3F- transferred 1 blast and 1 10 cell embryo 5dt. Beta hell. #1 2.5, #2 2.2- BFFFN! REALLY?
IVF #3: ER 12/1 and only 2 retrieved. 1 fertilized with ICSI. Was planning on transferring one fresh and one frozen....fresh was only 14 cells at day 5...CANCELLED and devastated due to 5cm blood filled cyst in ovary and blood in uterus.
IVF #4: Antagonist protocol with endometrial scratch day one of stims. ER 4/21: 6R/4M/3F- transferred 2 beautiful blasts (5dt) and one was hatching! No frosties but hoping we won't need it! Beta 5/4/14- 444(8dp5dt), Beta #2 10dp5dt 1002! THIS HAS GOT TO BE IT!!!!!!!!!! First US 5/15 we saw two of the most beautiful gestational and yolk sacs I have ever seen!
And I definitely recommend to "pop off a few at the firing range." That was how I handled when DH and I weren't seeing eye to eye and took a long break....did me wonders!
Retrieval 9/11/2013 - 31 eggs, 17 fertilized, 3 blasts frozen
IVF #2- BFP!!! Beautiful baby girl became an angel on 2/6/13 at 17.5 weeks due to PPROM/IC
**PAIF/SAIF welcome**
ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
************** Siggy Warning************
Married August 2012 -- Me (40 yrs old) My husband (45 yrs. old)
RE referral from ObGYN in late Jan. 2013 -- Testing Confirms Unexplained IF
IUI #"s1 - 3 (Femara + IUI) April - June 2013 - all BFN
Decided to do IVF... Began stimming on September 10th! Egg Retrieval 9/20/13. 19 eggs: 6 to mature to freeze after 6 fertilized with ICSI
3 morula stage embryos transferred on 9/25/13.....Beta #1 on 10/4/13/ = 7.5 Beta #2 on 10/6/13 = negative
IVF#2 - Lupron plan (set to begin on 10/28/13) (Planning on thawing and fertilizing our 6 eggs with ICSI as well as all of the mature eggs they retrieve with this fresh cycle.)
Late October 2013 - ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate injection....benched 3 months
CD1 - 12/5/13...Lupron set to start on 12/26/13; CD1 - 1/2/14....Baseline 1/3/14....begin follistim tonight and continue with lupron. (Got my calendar today! IVF#2 is a go!)
ER = 1/14/14 (11 eggs....9 were mature. 9 fertilized. Of the 6 mature eggs we thawed, only 4 fertilized. At this time, we have 13 eggs fertilized and growing. Waiting for news about a 3-day or 5-day transfer.)
ET = 1/19/14 (5dt).....3 blastocysts transferred! (All nine embryos didn't make it to freeze. =( )
Beta #1 = 1/28/14 (2 weeks after ER) BFP! 209 (9dp5dt) EDD 10/7/14
Beta #2 - 1/30/14 (11 dp5dt) 302
Beta #3 - 2/3/14 (15 dp5dt) 1222
Ultrasound set for 2/17/14......TWINS! Twin A - HR 124 bpm; Twin B - HR 126 bpm
Final Ultrasound with RE 3/10/14 - Twin A - HR 176 bpm; Twin B - HR 177 bpm.
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
TTC Since 12/2008; DH: 32, Azoospermia me: 33, DX during IVF #4: Low AMH (Normal FSH) / SER due
to IVF Meds (causing failure to fertilize) Recent DX: Hashimoto's, Lupus Anticoagulant, White Blood Cell Disorder
High ANA, ATA, & APA, PAI-1 Heterozygous= blood clotting disorder; connective tissue disorder
IVF w/ ICSI #1 2/2011 IVF w/ ICSI #2 5/2011 IVF w/ ICSI #3 12/2012 *New RE* IVF w/ ICSI #4 5/2013
IVF w/ ICSI #5 8/2013 (Natural Cycle- No drugs)- One follicle->one blast. CCS normal. FET 9/10- 6BB blast. m/c @ 5w
IUI #1 12/23- BFN IUI #2 Cancelled (ovulated during AF) Prep:CoQ10 (300 mg); DHEA (25 mg); Melatonin (3 mg), Folgard 2.2, Metformin 500 2x, Levothyroxine 50mcg, Aspirin 81mg w/ calcium, B12, Vit. D 4000 & Prenate Elite Daily; Cabergoline 1/2 pill 2x week- Cycling: Estrace Priming; Prednisone 10mg, Lovenox 40mg 2x, Femera & Menopur
IUI #2.1 6/30 & 7/1. 1st Beta: 90 (7/15); 2nd Beta: 226 (7/17); 3rd Beta: 766 EDD: 3/23/2015
IVF #1 Oct 2013- cancelled
IVF #2 Mar 2014- success.... baby girl born 11/28/14
FET #1 Mar 2016- baby boy due 12/16/16
6 rounds of clomid = no luck
IVF w/ ICSI & AZH #1 - Jan/2011 = ET cancelled OHSS
FET #1 & #2 - March/2011 & June/2011 = Chemical Preg.
IVF w/ Half ICSI #2 New RE - May/2012 = BFN!
May '12 - Sep '13 - Took A Break
Dec '13 IVF w/ Half ICSI #3!!!!! Switched RE
Protocol - Lupron trigger/Follistim/Ganirelix/Estrace/Vivelle/Crinone
6/27/14 - Emergency C/S @ 30w2d - Baby A 2lb 14oz, Baby B 2lb 11 oz
(kay, was that a bit sappy? I'm totally done being a sap now. must be the follitism) haha.
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28
Me: 32 H: 31
IVF #1 October 2013 Antagonistic Protocol with ICSI ER 10/31/13 (18R 16M 11F- 6 blasts to freeze)
ET delayed due to OHSS
FET scheduled for July 8. Delayed due to a crazy high TSH (it had been under control for YEARS!)
FET #1 8/5/14 sET BFN
TTC on and off since 2005
July 2012: Infertility tests started at OB/Gyn, HSG and HSN all clear
Sept 2012: IUI #1 w/Clomid - BFN
Oct 2012: IUI #2 w/Clomid - cancelled due to cyst
Nov 2012: IUI #3 w/Clomid - BFN
Sept 2013: first appt with RE
Nov / Dec 2013: IVF #1 with ICSI split
Dec 6: Retrieval, 4 retrieved, 2 mature, 1 fertilized
Dec 11: Transferred 1 (Day 5)
Dec 30: HCG Beta, 4980. BFP!
1 little bean!