Eco-Friendly Family


I have been dealing with this and haven't had any relief from prescription creams. Has anyone has success with natural remedies, either topical or diet? I should mention I only have one bump but the skin on parts of my face is very red and burns.

Re: Rosacea

  • I have rosacea and was diagnosed about 12 years ago. When I was first diagnosed metrogel worked for me, but for various reasons I did not continue using it after a few months. Rosacea varies from person to person as does what triggers it, but I have been able to almost completely control it with diet and monitoring closely what goes on my body (this did take me a few years to fully master). Have you found online or through a doctor the lists of common rosacea triggers? I have found some of those helpful while others are not a problem for me (for example sun, caffeine, and most alcohol don't bother me too much but citrus fruits, stress, and many topical things do). Topically I have found that I cannot have sodium lauryl sulfate or artificial fragrance in any product, this goes for my face, scalp, and anywhere on my body. Using many of the products that are natural and free of parabens, phthalates, etc. helps too- don't know if it is having less chemicals or perhaps one of those types of chemicals irritate me, I just know I tend to respond better but I still can have issues with them. On my face I only use 100% shea soap to wash, and have to use warm water- no hot. Also, right now my face is liking Aveeno baby lotion of all things. Unfortunately you have to try them out on your own to see what works, it is frustrating but once you find something that works it is wonderful. Some that say they are for rosacea, hypoallergenic, or all natural actually made me worse and some I could use for awhile but then change of seasons upsets it. Finally, I also have psoriasis and so I use coal tar salve and pine tar soap and shampoo to help with that and I have found it can also help my rosacea when it is really flaring up- but these are not for everyone. 

    Hope you find some relief. Sorry for the length. 
  • I have it.

    I've eliminated dairy. Spicy foods and heat make me flare up.

    I only use Cerave to wash or olive oil and a wet towel.

    Wash only with cold cold water.

    On particularly red days, put a cold compress or ice pack over face.

    I moisterize(?) with coconut oil.
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  • My father has it and I recently convinced him to use tea tree oil. He mixes three parts olive oil with one part tea tree oil and puts it on his eyebrows, nose and cheeks. He has been applying this mixture at night for 6 weeks and it has really worked wonders. 

    Me: 33, DH: 32

    TTC: 2 years
    Fertility blood tests all normal
    Tilted uterus
    3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
    HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
    DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
    All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL

    FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO :(

    IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month!  BFN 7/8

    3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests -  BFN

    3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI  (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched

    Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM

    JANUARY SIGGY CHALLENGE...This is so me!


    Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.


    Never thought I would like long hair....


  • kglorykglory member
    edited May 2014
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