Let's talk about things we want to put behind us from 2013 and our goals for the month of January.
Dear 2013,
I want to put behind.......
Three goal topics:
Personal Resolutions (notice this is FIRST people!)
-By the end of january, I hope to...
Professional Development Resolutions (if you are CEO of Stay-at-Home, Inc you have a profession too!)
-By the end of January, I hope to
Special Needs Resolutions (notice this is LAST - you already do too much!)
-By the end of January, I hope to
Re: Open Letter Thursday Resolutions!
I am proud of all your personal growth towards the end of the year.
1. You stood up to DS's school for what is right.
2. You stood up to a MIL for yourself and your family. Your marriage thanks you.
3. DH is a better advocate for DS and you did after all wanted DH more involved in DS's autism, DS's therapies and DS's schooling.
Personal Resolutions:
1. I am going to keep up with what I did last year and continue to be stronger for myself and my family.
2. I am still as overweight as last year and the mind is willing but if only my pounds could just melt off on its own. Where am I going to find the time to make it happen?
Professional Development Resolutions: I don't have any ambitions in my work due to being a special needs mom. I don't care for growth either. I do want to better myself in customer service and organization to better serve my students.
Special Needs Resolution:
1. I want to teach DS play skills. I have already started from our long winter break of a week with the new toys. And I have to say it has been fun!
2. I want to be able to read up on Special Ed laws and become familiar. I have the book but I have not read it yet.
3. DH needs to continue advocating for DS. I think DH needs to learn more of ASD and the characteristics to understand DS.