Baby Names


What are your thoughts about this name?  As much as my mind changes each day, I'm sure I'll change my mind by tomorrow :) Husband is not a big fan of it, but says its "ok".


Which sounds better?

Meredith Carmela

Meredith Lynne



Re: Meredith

  • If my mom had it her way, I was going to be Meredith Lynne.

    I like the name a lot in theory-- it's soft and feminie sounding, easy to pronounce and familiar but not overused.  The fear of the NN Merry turns me off to it.

    If you like Meredith-- do you like Miranda?  It has a lot of the things I like about Meredith, with cuter (IMO) nn options (Mira, Randy)


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I've always loved Meredith.  But since it's a longer name, I prefer short and sweet middle name.  So my vote is Meredith Lynne.
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  • I do like the name Miranda-but as with a lot of names-someone  I know or husband knows has ruined the name or made it an awkward choice. I agree about the nn "Merry".

    I really liked Marissa but again, it's a close friends name and that is turning me away from it, stupid I know.

    I am looking for something that is somewhat uncommon and three syllables.

  • I love Meredith but despise the nn Merry so that may hold me back.   I do have a good friend that goes by Meredith and in 15yrs have never heard any call her Merry though!  
  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited January 2014
    I like it.  I don't know if I like it enough to use it, but I think it's refreshing on a child in a country full of Caden/Jaden/Addysyn/Bryileigh, etc.

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    beebsnme said:

    I do like the name Miranda-but as with a lot of names-someone  I know or husband knows has ruined the name or made it an awkward choice. I agree about the nn "Merry".

    I really liked Marissa but again, it's a close friends name and that is turning me away from it, stupid I know.

    I am looking for something that is somewhat uncommon and three syllables.

    Other uncommon 3 syllable FNs












    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I like it. My cousin is a Meredith and in 40 years she's never been called Merry.
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    Married my love 6/11/11 | MMC 10/11/11 | Eliza Frances born 9/18/12 | Rhett Garland born 2/24/14 

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  • I love it! I don't think the NN Merry/Meri is all that common. I know a thirty-something Meredith who goes by Meri occasionally, and two teenage Merediths who I've never heard called anything but their full name.
  • I loooove it, it's refreshing.  Not fond of those MN's, though.
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • I love Meredith! You never hear it, but I do happen to know a 3 year old Meredith.

    I like Meredith Lynn.
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  • Love Meredith, but don't have a preference as to the middle names.
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  • I've always like Meredith. Very under-used. And actually, both middle name choices you have sound lovely!
  • I like Meredith Lynn. And FWIW, I know two Merediths and they both use the nickname "Mer" - Merry never even crossed my mind as a possibility.
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  • I love Meredith.

    Meredith Lynn is great.

    I have a good friend named Meredith and I call her Mere.  :)


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  • I'm a Meredith. My middle name is a one-syllable family name.  People do not call me Merry (ick!). I've always gone by the nn Mere (pronounced MARE, not MER).

    I like Meredith Lynne.  
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  • My Best friend is a Meredith, we usually call her Mere,  - Her name is Meredith Jean
  • Gigi8212Gigi8212 member
    edited January 2014
    My sister is Meredith! I love the name. And I don't think you need to worry about Merry. I have never ever heard her called that. Mere yes, Merry no.
  • My sister is Meredith.  Like the PP have said I don't believe she has ever been called Meri.  We do call her Mer (pronounced Mare). Her full name is Meredith Suzanne.  

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  • Meredith Lynne

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  • I love Meredith and my good friend always goes by Meredith with an occasional Mer thrown in...never have I heard her caked merry. I like it best with Lynne.
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


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  • It's on our short list. And I prefer Lynne.

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    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
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