2nd Trimester

tanning...uh isnt this a no-no?

A co-worker of mine just had a rant about how people were looking at her in that "certain" way when she came out of the tanning bed. She is 27 weeks? Somewhere around there. And she prides herself on only gaining five pounds with this pregnancy and actually losing weight with her first one. (She's a piece of work) anyway, someone please tell me tanning is a terrible idea!? I tried to have a conversation with her about it because I was told with my DD and this pregnancy to do no such thing. However she is claiming her doctor gave her the go ahead until 36 weeks. Ugh any thoughts ladies?

Re: tanning...uh isnt this a no-no?

  • There is no studies that prove or disprove 100% that tanning is safe. It is not suggested because 1) it increases risk of skin cancer 2) it raises your body core temp, which can harm baby 3) Your skin can react different in the sun and hyperpigmentation can occur. 

    All of this. If it isnt safe per say pre pregnancy it isnt safe during pregnancy
  • I usually go tanning in winter for my SAD and eczema (5-7 minutes, twice a week), but even that limited amount was said to be a no-go by my OB. I'm muddling through with vitamin d supplements and lots of lotion, surely she can get pasty for the sake of her baby!
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  • It's really not good pregnant or not. I used to tan when I was younger. Like in my early 20s. But I know better now.
  • Not only was I told to stop tanning by my doctor, but every tanning salon I've ever been to had signs posted saying it's not safe for pregnant women.
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    Married since June 2012
    EDD May 2014
  • Ditto all PP's about it being unsafe while not pg, never mind while pg.

    Though I don't really know what the point of this post was, as you seem to know that. So it doesn't seem like you can bring any new information back to her. If it's true that her dr approved (which I doubt), she's obviously going to do what she wants, regardless of what a bunch of internet strangers told you. *shrug*
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  • I'm not a tanner because I've been freaked out about it for years. But I did have a co-worker that went while she was pregnant and her doctor gave her the ok (at least that's what she said) I don't know the specifics like how long or how often she went but I'd rather not risk it!
  • Maybe she wants a tan kid too ;)
    1st loss 8/31
    2nd pregnancy -TWINS lost DD1 twin at 8 weeks 6 days DD1 born 6 weeks early
    3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt
    4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections
    5th pregnancy- CP in June
    6th pregnancy It's a BOY

  • Been wondering the same...we are going to the Caribbean in a couple weeks and I really do not want to burn while I'm there. So I have thought about going 2 or 3 times before the trip.
  • Call me shallow, but I tan. Maybe twice a month. It just makes me feel better because it blends areas that I have hyper pigmentation and makes me look like I have a pulse. I would never do it if it harmed my baby, but I recognize that it's terrible for my skin and I'll pay the consequences for that eventually. I wouldn't bring it up with her though, there are so many things she could be doing that are much worse! Raising an issue that makes another woman feel guilty is always a no no with me. If her dr says it's ok, just keep the peace at work!
  • Ditto all PP's about it being unsafe while not pg, never mind while pg.

    Though I don't really know what the point of this post was, as you seem to know that. So it doesn't seem like you can bring any new information back to her. If it's true that her dr approved (which I doubt), she's obviously going to do what she wants, regardless of what a bunch of internet strangers told you. *shrug*
    Just to rant. I don't tan personally but I have no problem with those who do. More power to you i like to say. She just drives me nuts with how nonchalant she is about pregnancy. And I'm the first of my friends to have babies so they're no good as a sounding/ranting board.
  • Been wondering the same...we are going to the Caribbean in a couple weeks and I really do not want to burn while I'm there. So I have thought about going 2 or 3 times before the trip.



  • Sounds like she is just asking for a bad case of melasma/chloasma.
    BFP 5/22/12, MC 6/6/12 (cp) BFP 10/16/13, EDD June 28, 2014 - baby J arrived 6/19/14! ** #2-- BFP 12/5/15, EDD August 17, 2016 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • Ya obviously sunscreen! Ever heard of a base tan before going away?

  • Ya obviously sunscreen! Ever heard of a base tan before going away?

    Ever heard of melanoma?

    Base tans don't protect you from burns or skin cancer.

    Sun screen does.

    image image
  • hahahahah I am not seeking medical advice on tanning!

    Growing up my whole life on the beach I know a little bit about the sun, but I really really appreciate your advice!

  • I still tan (as little as possible after my BFP) since it helps with my eczema and allows me to avoid using my steroidal creams. In the words of my Dr, one of my major skin creams has a FDA black box label as its been linked to blood cancer and my tanning is known to cause skin cancer; so the lovely choice is mine.
  • IBackBevoIBackBevo member
    edited January 2014

    hahahahah I am not seeking medical advice on tanning!

    Growing up my whole life on the beach I know a little bit about the sun, but I really really appreciate your advice!

    If your siggy name is your actual email address, you might want to rethink that.

    Edit: Because I decided not to be a snarky bitch.
    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
  • Self tanner or spray tan?? Maybe she should try one of those until the baby is here.

    We as humans can only do what is right for us. I disapprove when people are smoking in cars with kids and when I just see the window cracked but that's their prerogative. What can we do?
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