Baby Names

Windy and Star

Two names I encountered at work today ... Both adults. Both in their 30s and Both women.

Why humanity!? Whyyy???

On a side note, star looked like a stripper and windy was nasty and high maintenance

Re: Windy and Star

  • How ironic is it that star the woman with a stripper name looked like a stripper...

    I dont even know what to say about windy
  • Definitely Windy. I thought she was saying Wendy but then I saw her license...
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  • You ran into them at work - I assumed that maybe you worked at a strip club

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  • Where in the world do you work? lol yikes..
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • .

    Where in the world do you work? lol yikes..

    I work at a jewelry store! Windy came in to get her wedding ring fixed and star came in to buy something. And apparently star is a regular I've just never met her before
  • Did star pay in all ones? ;) sorry...had to ask.
    February Siggy Challenge May 2014: Favorite Wedding Photoimage
  • Lol no she didn't. But she did pull all of her money out of her bra. And her teeth were horrible and rotten, apparently she spends thousands a year in there. Clearly her prioroties arent straight since she refuses to fix her teeth.
  • Wow, I thought I came across some odd names at my job. Lol
  • I don't usually have great name stories from work, but not all that long ago, I did meet a Princess that was a client of an attorney here.  I think she's the second Princess I've met. The other one was a student's mom from back when I was a teacher.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • I actually don't mind either.

    Windy is my godmother's name, so maybe that is why it seems so "normal" to me.

    Star is all GP for me.  I wouldn't use it, and I could see how it seems sort of stripper-y, but I can't help but like it (same for the name Skye, which a lot of people see as a stripper name).

    I have been accused of liking "stripper-y" names before.  Funnily enough, I just added Estella to my girls' short list, without realizing it means "star" until I looked it up on BTN.



    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I don't like either Windy or Star, but they make better middle names than first names.  Star/Starr is a fine surname though. That's the only time I've really not disliked it.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • I know of a man called Windy......

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