
Children's Place PSA

There's a good sale at The Children's Place and you can use the 30% code from their website on top of it. Search-_-Google-_-Brand-_-children's place

My biggest scores were pink tights with hearts for $1.96 and a cute owl with glasses hoodie for $3.36. I also got a chambray fedora that I would wear if it were big enough.

photo 1D98023C-24BB-41F7-9DD5-4AA0F0620982_zpsoprru7p1.jpg
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                           photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)

Re: Children's Place PSA

  • Thanks!  Got a bunch of shirts for DS1 for the summer/fall!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Carson Henry, born 39w, 2d, via emergency c/s due to no fetal movement and fetal distress.  Seizures, IVH grade 2, brain injury, kidney and liver damage.  Complete blood clot in the artery in his right arm.  27 days in the NICU.  Now discharged from all specialists, excepts his kidney doctor, who will monitor him indefinitely.  My tough little cookie.

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