
Introducing myself & a weight gain question for other MoMs

Hi ladies! I just wanted to say hello and let you know I will be spending some time over here as we are expecting twins in July 2014. I will be a FTM and have no experience with pregnancy/babies in general so I am hoping I can get to know some of you here and share stories and advice. :) 

I do have a question for you ladies, regarding pregnancy weight gain as a MoMs. I am about 10 weeks and have gained over 10+ lbs in this first trimester. I started out as a normal weight for my height and I guess I can attribute much of the weight gain to my ability to really only eat carbs the first few weeks, thanks to this nausea/food aversions, but I am a little concerned about how much I gained when comparing to others/moms of singletons. I don't want to blow up completely and I am worried if this could be a sign of things to come? Is it normal to gain so much in the first tri as a mom of twins? I know I will gain more in general because there are two babies, but I don't want over-gain in general for a MoMs. Will some of the first tri weight fall off as I begin to eat more fruits/vegetables (and less carbs) into the second tri (and be replaced by baby weight)? What was your experience?

Thanks ladies and Happy New Year! 

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Re: Introducing myself & a weight gain question for other MoMs

  • Congrats and welcome! You are probably going to get answers all over the map when it comes to weight gain, b/c everyone is different and there is a wide range of normal, especially when expecting multiples. I gained 50 lbs. Started out slightly underweight, delivered at 35 1/2 weeks, and all the weight was off by 2 months post-partum. My doctor was always happy with my weight gain, and he referred me to a dietician around 14 weeks to get some advice about how to maximize nutrition (more important than the number on the scale). I would say focus on healthy eating (as best as you can w/ m/s issues etc.) and don't worry about the number as long as your doctor isn't concerned. Don't compare yourself to women pregnant with singletons; carrying two babies is a big deal and they need nutrients!
  • I agree with what PP said, I started out slightly overweight. Lost 5 lbs in the first trimester ang gained 55 by the time I delivered at 34 weeks. Although a lot of that was fluid( I was swollen like crazy) now at one month post partum I only have 5 lbs left to go until I'm at my pre pregnancy weight.


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  • Thank you so much ladies! I am so encouraged to hear about the weight loss post partum, I have been wondering how that would work out eventually. I really appreciate your input :)

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  • I am on the smaller side of average for my height and lost a couple of lbs in the first trimester due to morning sickness.  I made up for it in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.  I gained about 50 lbs when all was said and done and I delivered at 38 weeks.  Most of it (about 25 lbs) was water retention (I eventually had pre-eclampsia).
    Like pp said, I lost all my weight by 2 months post partum.  I lost all but 5 lbs by 2 weeks post partum.
    Try not to compare, as long as your doctor is happy then I wouldn't worry!  

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  • Ok, I just realized I said most of my weight gain was water retention...I guess half of it was :)

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  • For the first 24 weeks I gained about a pound a week. It's been a little bit more than that the past five weeks, but we'll see where I end up!
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  • Early weight gain is healthy. My mfm recommended a lb per week but I exceeded that a bit. I gained a ton early on bit by the third tri it slowed way down and I didn't gain anything the last month or so. I carried until 38 1/2 weeks and gained a total of 50 lbs. my girls are 11 weeks and I have lost all the weight already.


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  • I have gained almost exactly one pound per week (now 25 weeks). My dr hasn't said much about it and recommended about 40 total for the whole pregnancy. Sounds like you are on track :)

    Age: 35 TTC since 2005, MFI & DOR 

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    Twin girls! 3/6/14


  • Thank you ladies so much for your input! I guess it really does differ based on each individual but I am so glad I'm not the only one, I was al little concerned but the doc hasn't said anything so I guess I'm doing okay.

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  • I gained 45 total, delivered at 34 weeks. It all came off in 2 months. If you plan to breastfeed, it will be easier to lose.
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  • I gained a total of 33 lbs and delivered at 37 weeks. Like you I gained 10 lbs the first trimester because carbs were the only thing that didn't make me sick. Once I go to the 2nd it slowed down and 2weeks pp I was back to pre pregbancy weight. Like pp said, the scale is not as important it's more about the health and growth of the babies which is what my doc said. In the end I had 2 7lb healthy babies. Good luck!!
  • It's so true everyone is different. I did IVF and started off with a 10lb increase in weight off the bat. The rest of the pregnancy I pretty much gained a pound a week until I hit 30 weeks and bam stepped on the scale at the Dr and 10lbs in 2 weeks. After that I didn't gain any weight. Now 2 weeks pp I only have 5lbs to lose and I gained a total of around 50lbs.
    As long as your doctor isn't concerned I wouldn't worry and I promise you once those babies come you are so busy i find myself grabbing sliced apples, bananas, and easy stuff to eat like that. The weight has just fallen off!
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  • Congratulations on your twins.

    With my singleton I put on 45 pounds.

    With the twins I was on a low carb /high protein diet from 24 weeks to 34 weeks because I had high amniotic fluid. Initially onthat diet I lost about 8 pounds and it took a good 6 weekd to put it back on. In he end I gained 38 pounds and delivered at 37.3. The girls were 6 and 6.7 pounds. They turned 4 weeks yesterday and I'm 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight.

    Your body will gain what it needs but I do recommend watching your carbs and increasing protein. Greek yogurt, chicken, beef, avocado, peanut butter, etc. It helped me keep the swelling down and helped put healthy weight on the girls.

    Good luck!

  • Agreed. Everyone is different. I've gained 14 so far with my boys, and I gained 16 total with my daughter. With her, I started at 190. With the boys, I started at 134. I'm expecting to gain about 40. As of about 3 weeks ago, the weight has started to come faster. I'm hungrier, they are growing & it's just the natural progression. Like a PP said, if you're dr is happy, then you should be happy. Good luck!
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